where can I watch my favorite NHL hockey games in HK?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Ottawa & HK

    where can I watch my favorite NHL hockey games in HK?

    is there a NHL games broadcast in HK? Go Habs Go!!!

  2. #2

    There is no NHL hockey scheduled on ESPN or Star Sports this month. Sometimes there is hockey on at 'The Keg' in Lan Kwai Fong. Just walk by and ask what channel it is.

  3. #3

    The Keg has a game on usually at all times. It is recorded, but it gets the hockey fix.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Eastern District HK; NYC

    100 yrs,

    I am sure NHL web site should have something that lets u catch the game live on the web. I know we can watch NBA, MLB live on the web.

    At worst, get a friend from States/Canada, hook it with a slingbox so that u can receive TV signals (from States/Canada) and watch the games on the web.

    I am currently in US on business trip... i am thinking about that option rite now... so that i dont have to rely on ESPN or STARS in HK.

    I am a sports fanatic too!! however, NFL is still best!!


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hong Kong Island


    from experience you can only catch the highlights of the NHL site. bit of a bummer but it does hit the spot in a pinch!


    Ps. GO THE DUCKS!!!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Central HK

    GO the the Keg

    Thats where the hockey is at...and if you want to play hockey ask the manager he plays in a league himself...hes got a poster outside about it...but yah he has some games on alot of the times...but not live

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by whong:
    100 yrs,

    I am sure NHL web site should have something that lets u catch the game live on the web. I know we can watch NBA, MLB live on the web.

    At worst, get a friend from States/Canada, hook it with a slingbox so that u can receive TV signals (from States/Canada) and watch the games on the web.

    I am currently in US on business trip... i am thinking about that option rite now... so that i dont have to rely on ESPN or STARS in HK.

    I am a sports fanatic too!! however, NFL is still best!!

    My understanding is that with a slingbox you and your friend cannot be watching different channels. Whatever channel is on the slingbox will get output to the TV as well. Check out the FAQs at www.slingmedia.com. I hope I'm wrong...

  8. #8

    A lot of games get posted on torrent sites, like www.mininova.org

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Just one question, are all the games broadcast via ESPN shown live or re-runs?? Ah.... I'm missing a great hockey season with the new rule changes, probably will miss most of the playoffs as well. It seems the Leafs wont make the playoffs this season

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by AMCH:
    Just one question, are all the games broadcast via ESPN shown live or re-runs?? Ah.... I'm missing a great hockey season with the new rule changes, probably will miss most of the playoffs as well. It seems the Leafs wont make the playoffs this season
    If they were shown live, the games would be starting between 7am and 10am local time. So if you're watching a game that is not taking place during that time, it's on tape delay
    Last edited by deleteduser; 14-04-2006 at 03:27 PM.