We are shortly to hire our first domestic helper in Hong Kong. I just wanted to get an idea of what size of accommodation you provide your domestic helper with and what facilities you provide within that space TV, Radio ? etc
Many Thanks
We are shortly to hire our first domestic helper in Hong Kong. I just wanted to get an idea of what size of accommodation you provide your domestic helper with and what facilities you provide within that space TV, Radio ? etc
Many Thanks
A friend of mine doesn't even have the space to provide a bed in their spare room because it's so small and filled with immovable things already there before the helper came, so the helper makes do with a foldaway mattress. She agreed to that living arrangement, so I guess it's whatever they are happy with. Having said that, I'm sure that if you can provide a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe and small TV, it would be appreciated.
Just spent a few days last week looking at all sorts of apartments and village houses from Kowloon to Tai Wo and some of the maid's quarters were no bigger than the cube I am sitting in right now. Think small walk-in closet, maybe 6 to 10 feet by 3 to 6 feet. None were ever as big as the smallest bedroom in any apartment I saw.
Makes me wonder how what living conditions in the Phillipines are like.
I think legally you need at least 5x6' of private space for her. They might agree to less, but you can probably get in trouble for it
The place I am reenting, they turned the dining room into a maids quarters.. It's pretty much the size of my closet back in Canada. We're having them tear the walls down and turn it back into a dining room
Last edited by deleteduser; 16-03-2006 at 11:22 PM.