Info Setting up company

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Exclamation Info Setting up company


    I'm a Belgian planning on moving to Hong Kong next fall. I lived in Hong Kong as a student before, so I'm familiar with some of the practical things, such as housing, education, culture, etc. However, I have little experience with the professional part of HK life.

    I run a non-profit organisation in Belgium, concerned with the production of films in general (short films, audiovisual performances, feature films). I would like to expand my small company by setting up a chapter in Hong Kong.
    Would you be so kind to provide me with more information about setting up a company in Hong Kong? Interesting for me would be, for instance, wether a non-profit organisation could operate as a filmproduction house (something which Belgian law allows). And even if it is, would it be more interesting to set up a profit based company under Hong Kong law or not?

    Local friends in Hong Kong have only been able to provide me with vague info and I am having a hard time finding the appropriate text in the maze of the World Wide Web. Any info you have would thus be greatly appreciated!!!

    all the best,


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    In my experience setting up a non-profit is fairly non-trivial as you have a fair number of accounting and governance issues you have to deal with.

    For profit companies are taxed very reasonably and you can carry your losses forward. Also, they can be set up in a matter of days.