how to open a business in hk

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    honk kong

    how to open a buisness in hk

    hello my name is chris and i would like to know if i can find a list with all the buisness for sale in hk.

    I m interesting to open something in hk and i would like to find as much as possible information about that.

    If somebody can help me I will be very pleased.

    For the moment i didn t decide in wich sector but It will be a bar,snack bar restaurant......or in the sports nutrition sector

    thanks a lot to everybody.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    If you're looking at starting a new company:

    The normal process would be to approach an accountant. They usually have a stock list of shelf companies which you can buy and transfer to your name. The process takes about 3 or 4 days to transfer the company and get the paperwork done. (Will cost around HK$1500-5000 depending on the type of company you want)

    Once you have got the paper work and BR certificate you can approach a bank to open an account. Most banks (unless you have a good reference) will hold your account for a month while they run their independant checks with the company registrar to ensure that you are indeed the owner.

    If you're looking at buying an existing company or shop then you really need to get a lawyer or accountant involved to approach the company anonymously and figure out how much the company is really worth, if it has bad debts, if it is profitable etc.

    Anyways, this is fairly general advice. If you have specific questions, post them here. There are several people on the site who run and own small businesses and will be willing to share knowledge with you.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    You may also want to look at they may be of help. I don't know anyone who has used them, so I cannot give them a reference.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    honk kong

    thanks for your answer but for me it's the begining of my project and I wolud like to find a list with all the snack and bar for sale in hk.I will make an idea about how much will it cost...ect.

    If somebody can tell me the price of the rent or any other information I will be very pleased.

    best regards chris

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    I don't know of a single website or registry where people go to sell their businesses. HKBI is a good place to start. Also, if you're looking at a location, try contacting some of the real estate agents they will be able to help you with rates.

    Also, try your luck on they may be able to give you some pointers.

    If you want, I can introduce you to some people in the F&B trade and they may be able to help you out (we eat and drink regularly at several places and most of the managers / staff there are pretty helpful). Drop me a PM if you want some introductions.

    (to send a personal message / PM click on my name and it will give you the option to send a message)