I found it abit difficult to communicate with the locals, espeically taxi drivers. Would like to know if it easy to learn catonese.
I found it abit difficult to communicate with the locals, espeically taxi drivers. Would like to know if it easy to learn catonese.
Too many tones in Cantonese for it to be easy.
Hi, Cantonese is of a bit difficult. However, if u really work hard and get more pratice, u will be absolutley ok later. R u an English speaker? If yes, u may teach me Englsih and learn some Cantonese from me. My e-mail is [email protected].
I can help you
__________________________________________________ ____
Local Chinese Guy aged 25 who is willing to help foreigner living in Hong Kong.
this is my email [email protected]
for taxis, just get someone to write the address in chinese... Food items and basic stuff, ask someone at work to say it and write the pronunciation in english! It works for me with mandarin!!! have fun, good luck...
cheers - Cats
Last edited by mustlovecats; 07-06-2006 at 11:43 AM.
Yes, you are probably right on your observation regarding communicating with TaxiDrivers in HK.
You may find 'Cantonese Phrase Book published by LonelyPlanet', costing around HKD 60, quite useful....but be reminded that learing Cantonese needs a lot of perseverance...
Any of your friends speak cantonese? Learn from them is the best solution.
The taxi problem, ask the taxi driver to write down the address in chinese for you, so next time you can just show them the address in chinese. I hope this help!
Thanks. I had my address written in chinese and it does help lot
Taikoo, I know its not easy to learn but will definitly look for the book you had recommended.