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British passport for HK-born baby (British Dad, HK Mum)

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    British passport for HK-born baby (British Dad, HK Mum)


    I'm British - I moved to HK last year.

    My wife is a HK citizen.

    Our baby girl will be born in Hong Kong this October. We're first time, young, parents without a clue about all this legal stuff!

    I'm wondering if and how I can get her

    1) a British birth certificate
    2) a British passport.
    3) Can she also have a Permanent HKID card/ passport as well as the British one?

    I've been looking on the embassy website and it all looks like a minefield, so I was hoping someone could help me out. I know people will say it would've been easier to go to UK for the birth but I'm employed here full time so it's easier said than done!

    Also, she is due to be born late September to early October - We're hoping to go to UK for a Christmas 'baby parade' - Is this likely to be OK or does a first passport take a while to process?

    Thanks for your help and sorry for my ignorance!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008

    I'm not British, but I can at least answer #3:

    Is your wife is a Chinese citizen, then the child born in Hong Kong will be a Chinese citizen, which gives it automatic right of abode in HK (can have permanent ID), and also eligible for the HKSAR passport.

    As for whether the child will be British, as long as you didn't get British citizenship by descent, then the child will be a British citizen. For example, if you were born outside the UK and got British citizenship through a parent, then that is descent. It only works for one generation by descent.

    justjoe86 and dossier like this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    He Joe. I'm also British and have a wee 4 month old.

    1. You need to register her birth with the British consulate. This isn't necessary for the British passport, however.

    2. You need to fill out a C2 form. Her HK birth certificate is sufficient. Details here Applying for a UK passport in Hong Kong and here
    3. Agree with the above.

    Happy to answer any questions given that I've literally just finished the process for my boy

    dossier, justjoe86 and nixodian like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006

    My son has a HK birth certificate which we used to apply for his British passport (no problems). It took about 2 weeks to process.

    Once you've paid your hospital bill, the hospital issues a form to the local district registry (in my case this was Shatin). It takes a few days for the paperwork to get there but once it does you can go to the office and register the birth/collect his birth cert. After this you can apply for a UK passport at the British consulate.

    In addition, once you have his UK passport, you can also apply for a "ROA established" sticker from HK Immd, using these two forms:

    The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Immigration Department

    The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Immigration Department

    It's not compulsory, but it means that he will be able to enter HK without a limit being put on his stay.It costs $165. This application may take a few more weeks (I think it took about 4 weeks for us) but if you do everything quickly you should still have time before heading back to the UK for Xmas.

    Last edited by Pekkerhead; 08-07-2010 at 07:59 AM. Reason: beaten to it
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  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by justjoe86:
    Also, she is due to be born late September to early October - We're hoping to go to UK for a Christmas 'baby parade' - Is this likely to be OK or does a first passport take a while to process?
    You'll need to move quick. The Passport can take up to 6 weeks and, believe me, you'll have PLENTY of other things keeping you busy. Make sure you have all the right documents. For example, I had to send off for a certified copy of my long-form birth certificate, which added an extra ten days to my application.
    dossier and justjoe86 like this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sai Kung

    When I've done it (twice) the process has been quick. We first did application for HKSAR passport / ID card which took about a week and a half to process and the UK passport which took one week for first one and nearly 2 for second one. Very simple stuff, although for the UK one it can be difficult finding the right person to verify photographs.
    Posted via Mobile Device

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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Another good tip that I received is to get multiple copies of the Hong Kong birth certificate when you apply. I think I got 2 or 3 copies. This saves the hassle of having to get additional copies, say if you lost a copy or are applying for passports from two countries at the same time.

    justjoe86 and dossier like this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Thanks everyone!

    Wow I didn't realise how efficient this forum is, I logged in hoping to find a response and I have loads of informed answers!

    Okey doke, doesn't look too difficult, touch wood.

    Hairball - I'm completely British - birth, parents and all, so that's ok.

    limepickle - So if I don't need the British birth cert to get a passport, is it actually useful to get one? Did you?

    Pekkerhead - Despite your name, thanks for the advice. We'll be in Shatin hospital too, small world.

    Jaykay - it's ok about signature because my step-grandad's sister's son is a british lawyer in hong kong - something like that!

    Portia - good idea!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    PS Hairball - About what you said about being British by birth/ descent... Thinking quite far ahead now, (like a whole generation!) but does that mean my daughter will only be British by descent, and so if she has a child in the future he/she cannot be British? Didn't realise the Hong Kong birth affected my future grandchildren!

    But wait, if the next generation is born in UK it should be OK right? Confusing.

    Mind you it probably doesn't matter - UK will probably be in poverty by then, and china super rich! There's a bit of British optimism for you.

    dossier likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by justjoe86:
    Wow I didn't realise how efficient this forum is, I logged in hoping to find a response and I have loads of informed answers!

    limepickle - So if I don't need the British birth cert to get a passport, is it actually useful to get one? Did you?
    Ha, if you ask clear questions politely there are loads of people ready to answer!

    I didn’t bother with the UK birth certificate. It seemed to me like an unnecessary hassle as a British passport is proof of British nationality and you don’t need the British birth certificate to get the passport.

    We got some spare birth certificates as Portia suggested. $140 each.

    Good luck with the arrival. Make the most of your (relative) freedom now because things are about to change forever! I won't 'blow sunshine up yer bum', the first 8 weeks are TOUGH. Tougher than I expected. But a can't begin to explain how utterly brilliant it is now.
    dossier and justjoe86 like this.

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