I'm British - I moved to HK last year.
My wife is a HK citizen.
Our baby girl will be born in Hong Kong this October. We're first time, young, parents without a clue about all this legal stuff!
I'm wondering if and how I can get her
1) a British birth certificate
2) a British passport.
3) Can she also have a Permanent HKID card/ passport as well as the British one?
I've been looking on the embassy website and it all looks like a minefield, so I was hoping someone could help me out. I know people will say it would've been easier to go to UK for the birth but I'm employed here full time so it's easier said than done!
Also, she is due to be born late September to early October - We're hoping to go to UK for a Christmas 'baby parade' - Is this likely to be OK or does a first passport take a while to process?
Thanks for your help and sorry for my ignorance!