can my bf sponsor me, he has a yellow cover HK (passport look-like book) ? not a passport, I think

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  1. #1

    Red face can my bf sponsor me, he has a yellow cover HK (passport look-like book) ? not a passport, I think

    1. My bf has a yellow cover HK passport look-like book. I think it is not a passport. can he sponsor me and will it take longer ( citizen vs permanent residents? he seems not to be a citizen. He does not have the brown passport or so.

    2. How much financial support proof does one has to submit to get a dependent visa? If bf makes only Hk min wage ?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    If you are not married, he can't sponsor you.

  3. #3

    we are getting married later this year. but my question is still there ? do u happen to know ?

    Last edited by mandy100; 31-03-2011 at 03:49 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Does he have one of these? Hong Kong Document of Identity for Visa Purposes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    What conditions of stay does he have in HK? I think most allow sponsoring a spouse.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    If he has the Right of Abode in Hong Kong (which basically means if he has a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card) then after you are married then he can sponsor you, but not before. (That's unless you are a citizen of mainland China, in which case it is more complicated).

  6. #6

    yes exactly that one. can he sponsor me? Is there a difference in terms of sponsoring someone faster (chinese citizen vs other type of visa ?)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mandy100:
    yes exactly that one.
    Exactly which one? Right of abode or you are citizen mainland China? Anyway, if either of you are in Hong Kong the best thing to do is to pop in to Immigration Dept and they will give you definitive answers based on your exact situation. They're very straightforward and will let you know where you stand.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    Does he has a Permanent ID card? If yes, he can sponsor a dependent visa for you AFTER you are married. The Immigration Dept will decide whether he can afford to support you - if it decides he can't, the application will be denied.

    Sample of Permanent ID card (note the words "The holder of this card has the right of abode in Hong Kong): GovHK: The Smart Identity Card

    If he doesn't have a Permanent ID card, what visa does he have?

  9. #9

    he has this type of yellow document:
    can my bf sponsor me at all ?

    if he has this yellow document, what type of hk identity card does he most likely have, if any at all?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    why are guessing what HK ID card your bf has, why don't you ask him directly?