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Acquiring HK ID card for my baby

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  1. #21

    Ok, since you mentioned that HKSAR is a pre-req for applying for the HRP sometime around 2005, I just recall then my brother would have to apply for this b/c we have an appt next week w/ immigration. So is this HKSAR application available online in English version w/ notes? Could he apply for both simultaneously? Would it be done at the same office? So it's ok for him to have a HKSAR and a US passport? We dont' want to lie about our US citizenship. The whole point i asked him to get the HKID was so he coudl get a HRP. Now that you clarified that since 2005 a HKSAR is a prereq...I wonder if he's going to have any hassles in the processes.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    If he has been a Chinese citizen of Hong Kong from birth then there is no problem with him applying for a HKSAR passport whilst also holding another nationality. HKSAR passports are processd by ImmD, HRPs by CTS, so they are different places.

    Dteails for applying for the HKSAR Passport are available in English here: GovHK: HKSAR Passport

  3. #23

    @PDLM-I read through the notes. It says there are 3 criteria:
    -chinese national (by birth in his case)
    -possess a HKPID card
    -is a perm resident of HK.

    He doens't LIVE IN HK, but in Mainland, so how do we get around "being a hk resident". Secondly since it says you need to have a HKPID card and the application has a spot for it, i'm guessing he won't be able to apply for both HKPID card and the HKSAR at the same time. This would mean trekking down on 3 separate trips to get all this done??

    1. apply for HKPID card.
    2. Trip #2, collect HKPID card and apply for HKSAR
    3. Trip #3 collect HKSAR and apply for the HRP.

    This can be both time consuming and costly.

    Ok, but still, explain to me how he can claim to be a 'permanent resident'. Resident to me signifies you live there.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Being a "Permanent Resident" is a status of having the right to live in Hong Kong. If you are a Chinese national who has the status from birth then you have this status for life unless you formally renounce your Chinese nationality. It doesn't matter where you actually live.