Hi all. First post here, sorry if I am asking questions asked before!
The wife and I are Kiwi's, currently living in Aussie. We went to HK for 2 weeks last year, and loved it. We are wanting to go back later this year for a stint of working (3-6 months). I know there is a reciprocal agreement between HK and NZ for the working holiday visa, but I am wondering if this is the visa we should be after? We are not after professional work (however both of us are degree qualified), just temp work, in order to pay our way around HK.
So, questions:
1) What visa should we be after? The working holiday visa?
2) Do you have to have a pre-arranged job before applying for the visa? I have read a couple of atricles suggesting this is the case.
3) Does the job that you get have to be in your field of expertise under the working holiday visa? Or could we get any job?
4) If you dont need a pre arranged job, how difficult is it to get a job for an English only speaker once in HK? (I do have a contact of decent standing in the MTR who may be of assistance for work however)
5) What sort of a budget (weekly) do you need to live comfortably? I have heard rent is extremely pricey.
Thanks in advance.