Urgent: Does Dual citizens (HK and US) with HKID need Visa to work in China? If so, what kind?

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  1. #1

    Urgent: Does Dual citizens (HK and US) with HKID need Visa to work in China? If so, what kind?

    Hi, I need urgent help on the issue I am inquiring.

    I am a dual citizen with citizenship in US and HK and I hold a HKID with 3 stars.

    I have been dealing with a Foreign company based in Beijing trying to obtain a position with them but was told I do not qualify for a foreigner expert Visa (z Visa) which requires 2 years work minimum experience.

    But I am wondering what are the rules for HK residence to work in China? Would I need the same type of Visa, do I even need a Visa? I am fighting to obtain this job and would try any means to convince the office to process a Visa for me. Please help me and let me know what are my options, both as US citizen and as HK citizen.

    Thank you very much

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Why are you asking this on an expat site? You need to be asking it on a HK locals site. If using your US passport then yes you need a visa.

  3. #3

    I am not familiar with any local site, I only found this one the internet from the US, any good recommendation?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2010

    your US passport is meaningless in China. so you only have 1 option.
    legally, HK permanent residents will need a visa to work in china.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I think with a Home Return Permit you do not need a visa.
    However, it does not help you as you do need a work permit to legally work in China, it is here where the two years requirement applies for foreigners, be it from HK or US.
    This is just my general understanding of things, pls dig out the details online.
    First work permit, then visa.....

  6. #6

    Thank you so much, my main question was really trying to find out if as a HK resident I need the 2 year working experience also, thanks for giving me that info, I'll confirm with the consulate either here in US or in HK

    Thanks again...I did read somewhere that you can "work" your CV to try to get pass the labor bureau or whatever government agency it is, and that highly depends on whether your employer is willing to go through the trouble to deal with the government for you...just thought I share here, thanks again everyone

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    A. The requirements in Beijing are toughest,
    E.g. You have to submit originals of certificates.
    B. Loopholes are closing fast, so if some agent
    Had some backdoor possibility a while ago then this might already be gone by now.

    Anyway, good luck and do spend a few weeks in Beijing before you work there, you might not like it.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hong Kong

    It is very true that the China authorities don't give a rats ass about US citizenship. Its even worse if you are a HK Chinese holding a US passport.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    When you say you are an HK citizen with *** HKID, I am not sure if you are a Chinese citizen or not. If you are, you need to get a Home Return Permit to visit and stay in mainland China. It is easy for HRP holders to acquire a Work Permit and then a Residence Permit if aged 18~60 and healthy. "2-year work experience" is not applicable to HRP holders.

    A Chinese citizen cannot get a Chinese visa on a foreign passport.

  10. #10

    I have a HKID and I have a Return Home Card/Permit, so you are saying that with a Return Home Card I don't need the 2 year experience? Is there some sort of website where these rules are listed that I can use to show my potential employers? Because the 2 year thing is the only thing that's stopping them from considering hiring me.

    Thank you so much, this could help me change the whole situation!!

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