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HK born Aussie - working in China?!!! confused

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  1. #1

    HK born Aussie - working in China?!!! confused

    Hi all,

    First time poster after trying to google for answers with very little info on what I am after. Just a quick background on my situation:

    I have recently been offered a job by an Australian company to work in China. I was born in HOng KOng but moved to Australia many moons ago and hold an Australian citizenship and passport, and also a HKID and a Chinese-issued 'return to home' permit.

    The company I will be working for mentioned that they will organise for me a Chinese working visa - however, with a 'return to home' permit, am I required to use the permit instead of a Chinese working visa with my AUstralian passport?

    Also I visited the chinese consulate today in Hong Kong to ask the question: apparently I have to give up my 'return to home permit' if i go down the path of obtaining a chinese working visa with my australian passport and i will not be able to apply for another return to home permit in the future.

    Anyone here can shed some light here regarding my situation?

    thanks in advance!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clear Water Bay (In Da Jungle)

    Are you Chinese, if you are then even if you use your Aussie passport, you wont get any protection as the Chinese Govt considers you as a Chinese 1st, your aussie passport is for travel only. I might be incorrect but someone will come along and correct.

    It is best you use your home permit card and not get a visa.

    bronuoal1983 likes this.

  3. #3

    Thanks for the quick reply wtbhotia.

    I am a Hong Kong permanent resident, I have 3 stars on my HKID.

    So without a chinese working visa in my aussie passport, i can still legally work in china, as long as i enter china using my return to home permit?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Very good question.
    If you are regarded as Chinese
    National then in theory Chinese authorities should
    Not grant you a working visa as Australian.
    But then they also grant tourist visas to Chinese nationals
    With HK PIDC and foreign passports.
    It seems the HRTP makes the difference.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    You would still need a work permit 工作许可 like any other foreigner. It is not
    The same as a work visa that foreigners get to enter China and which is then substituted by another sticker called right of residence 居留权.
    That is my understanding

    cw1483 likes this.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Morrison:
    Very good question.
    If you are regarded as Chinese
    National then in theory Chinese authorities should
    Not grant you a working visa as Australian.
    But then they also grant tourist visas to Chinese nationals
    With HK PIDC and foreign passports.
    It seems the HRTP makes the difference.
    Hi Morrison, thanks for the replies

    what does HK PIDC and HRTP stand for?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bronuoal1983:
    Hi Morrison, thanks for the replies

    what does HK PIDC and HRTP stand for?
    Permanent ID card and Home Return Permit.
    Some day I might be in the same situation as you

    And the path I will choose is use a HRTP to enter
    China, apply for a work permit at the bureau of labour
    and that should be it. But you better verify this
    With a HKer who has done this, i.e. Worked, being
    Based on the mainland.
    Any foreigner must go through a health check, including AIDS test , obtain a work visa, enter China, change
    The visa to right of residence.
    Work permit
    Last edited by Morrison; 24-12-2011 at 07:06 AM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Last two words "work pemit" are double posted, disregard them, cant delete using my iphone screen

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Excuse my ignorance but it seems a bit bold to turn up to the Chinese "consulate" office in HK and flash your Aussie passport, which indicated to them you have Aussie citizenship. Technically you are a Chinese citizenship, where they only recognise single citizenship and they do have the right to revoke your Chinese citizenship, no? Not something I would do anyway, if I knew I wanna keep my HK status...

    Yes as others have said, it seems you need a work permit to work in the mainland.

    Last edited by star-anise; 24-12-2011 at 07:32 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Slightly offtopic but do married partners of HK Chinese citizens have any kind of advantage in mainland China in terms of working rights?

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