Can a mother stay in hong kong using her child's visa?

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Can a mother stay in hong kong using her child's visa?

    I do not know how to describe the situation in a few words, so please bear with me.

    A Filipina (working as a domestic helper) got involved with a Filipino (permanent resident status) and they have a child whose status in Hong Kong is "established" (birth certificate). Can the Filipina use her child's "established status" to stay and work in Hong Kong to support her child?

    Please help this woman... because the guy abandoned her.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    As a general rule I don't think so automatically. Of course there is always case-by-case discretion in specific situations.

    The best course is probably to email Immigration to ask what options there are: [email protected]

  3. #3

    Thanks for the answer PLDM... appreciate it.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Because both parents are Filipino's I am sure the baby can live in the Phillipines.

    The baby can also remain in Hong Kong, however I think the mother will have to find a way to get a visa. As much as this is a case perhaps deserving more of a look at, I think IMMD is going to look at this as a Domestic House Wife trying to get a more free ID card by having a baby and suspecting a set up.

    This isn't the case at all based on what you have said, but the issue is going to be with immigration. Mainland Chinese try to have babies in Hong Kong so the kids can have ID's and I think they may look at this case as something similar.

    Please note this is not my views rather what I can see IMMD doing.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by HKChigger:
    Please note this is not my views rather what I can see IMMD doing.
    Thanks HKChigger. I think it's better to cover all the bases.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    its impossible. how the baby can sponsor his mother? thats what you are asking for.