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British passport for HK-born baby (British Dad - but inherited, HK Mum)

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    British passport for HK-born baby (British Dad - but inherited, HK Mum)


    I have the British citizenship by my parents, although I was born in HK, I have been living in the UK for more than 15years since I came to UK for my GCSE.

    My wife is a HK citizen.

    Our baby will be born this December. As we are first time parents living on our own in the UK, our parents (the grandparents) want us to go back to HK to give birth. But I am still not sure about this, unless someone can help with the following legal questions:

    ***I'm wondering how can we take the baby back to the UK after he is born in HK.

    • Can we apply for British passport for the baby before we come back to the UK?
    • I am sure my baby will be entitled to apply for the HK birth certificate and HKSAR passport, but then if we apply for a visa to get the baby into the UK, will we be questioned at the UK Immigration on why we don't apply UK passport for the baby? (as I am UK citizen and both me and my wife are living in the UK)

    Both me and my wife are working in the UK, so I am just taking my annual leave (while my wife will be taking her maternity leave), thus we have to go back to the UK taking the baby with us.

    Would someone please share your experience or offer your advice on this?
    Thanks in advance for your help!!!


  2. #2

    As the poster above says, if your baby is born outside the UK he/she will not qualify for a British passport because you are British by descent.

    As for taking your baby back on its HK travel documents I don't think its as complicated as you would imagine. If I were you I'd give UK immigration a call - I recently had to deal with a simple issue and went round in circles on their website.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Tuen Mun
    Children born abroad to parents who are British by descent and who have lived in the United Kingdom in the past

    I think this means you'll be okay! I suppose they have to allow for the potential of a birth while on holiday or whatever....anyway, good luck!
    ant1218 likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Tuen Mun
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Partridge:
    give UK immigration a call

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    wouldn't it be easier for the grandparents to come to you?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2010

    either way, your child will be permitted to travel to the UK on HKSAR passport with a visa or a British passport if s/he is eligible. If your baby is due in december, you need to decide if your wife wants to go public or private hospital. she'll need to have a check up by a local doctor before you can make a appointment and pay a deposit. also check on travel limitations as your wife is near her due date.

    there is no such thing as hk citizen. is she a chinese citizen with hk permanent residency?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tuen Mun
    Quote Originally Posted by carang:
    wouldn't it be easier for the grandparents to come to you?
    That would be easier than trying to speak to the UK Border Agency and get any sense out of them. When I was going through all that with my wife you get through to a premium line where you pay with your credit card and it's pretty clear that the monkeys speaking to you are just looking at the website themselves!!!!
    ant1218 likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Sai Kung

    well, not only that, but baby due dates are just an estimate. add onto that the fact that airlines restrict late pregnancy passengers, father taking annual leave and flying 1/2 way around the world, the cost of private delivery, the difficulties booking private hospitals, finding a private doctor here, or going public (and foregoing all of these issues)....

    late pregnancy should be a time for the expectant mother (and father to some extent) to relax and enjoy the last few weeks before life is forever altered.... not for long haul international travel, unless absolutely necessary

    just my two cents, as a mother of 2, who gave birth 1/2 around the world from her family... twice.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by carang:
    wouldn't it be easier for the grandparents to come to you?
    yes but the kid won't have a HKSAR passport.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Sai Kung

    but the mother is a HKID holder, so if they decide to move here, they can get a dependent visa for the child without any difficulty.

    forgive me, but i was looking at it from the comfort of the mother's perspective and not reducing it all to achieving the most number of passports.

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