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Application for naturalization as a Chinese national

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  1. #471

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by jjhkhk:
    How good do they expect your mandarin to be?
    No language requirements... have helped a couple of folks now do their applications over the years and they've gotten away with minimal functional things like just muttering siu siu or apologetically saying they know very little.

    If at all they're likely to ask you if you speak Canto...

  2. #472

    Join Date
    Dec 2024

    Thanks. I'm improving my mandarin so should be able to have a normal - non technical conversation.

    I've been in and out of HK, but married a Chinese HK PR so I hope that they don't mind this too much (I of course still have my MPF and fill up tax forms even if amount is negligible for now - will declare more soon). So hopefully I do not get rejected.

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