Help! Questions about IANG and Working Visa

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Help! Questions about IANG and Working Visa

    I just finished the graduate program in HK.
    Before I graduate, I secured a job offer. As the company needed a person in that position asap, they applied for Working visa with dependents as a sponsor on March (to change student visa to working visa). But the immigration has held the application for the reason that I didn't graduate till now.

    Two weeks ago, I finally completed the graduate program requirements. So we applied for IANG for only myself (without dependent) with the university letter to confirm graduation. We were advised that IANG without dependents takes less time.

    Even though the company says it's okay, I wonder whether is't fine to process two applications (working visa and IANG) at the same time. We didn't withdraw Working visa application.

    Also I wonder how long it usually takes to get IANG visa. The first officer we consulted said 3~4 days. But the other officer who received the my application said 2 weeks. --;
    This visa issue has been worrying me for almost 3 month. I'm really tired of waiting.
    If you have any ideas, please let me know.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    It's not a good idea to have two applications going at the same time. The IANG visa has a much lower barrier - it's easier to get provided you graduated from the right course - I would just stick with that one for now.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    thanks for the comment. I might have to seriously consider withdrawing the working visa application.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    I'm not sure you withdraw it so much as add the information about the IANG visa to it. When we had a woman on IANG, we still had to apply for a visa, it was just that her IANG status made it easier.

  5. #5

    Hi I am almost in the same situation as you. I asked immigration and they replied saying that they cannot process 2 applications at a time. If you wish to go via the IANG route, you would have to withdraw the working application sponsored by your company. Any updates on your application?