Am I able to apply China multiple entry business VISA?
I'm currently own a company in Macau and have 2 entries in China on single VISA.
After I successfully registered a company in Macau, I knew that I couldn't get any type of Macau VISA as a company owner expect tourist VISA. And I've finished over 20k HKDs just to go to India(I'm Indian) to get new tourist visa to Macau.
I've heard from somewhere that i could just buy China multiple entry business VISA for around 10k HKD but it's illegal. I don't want to get in any trouble.
I've no interest to go China also but if I could get any long term China VISA then I could just go to China and come back to Macau to get new tourist VISA then that will be real great help.
My one friend told me that I could apply for China multiple entry business visa on the base of my Macau company. Is that true?
If any of you have any suggestion that will be really great help.
If you know any agency I can apply for any type of VISA that is useful for me then please let me know.
Please help me to get through this. Thanks a bunch!