Getting HKSAR passport and China HRP while holding a foreign passport--New policy?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Unhappy Getting HKSAR passport and China HRP while holding a foreign passport--New policy?

    Hi, I am looking for some advice on getting my HKID, HKSAR passport, and China return home permit.

    I was born in HK to a Chinese father and Canadian mother. So I received Canadian citizenship and HK right of abode. I left HK quite young and have grown up in Canada--studying of course . My parents never thought to get an child ID card when we came back to visit. However, now that I will be 18 very soon, I am back to get my ID card.

    As of now, I have made an appointment (using my Canadian passport #) to get an adult ID card. That said, my primary goal is to get an HRP; which, as I understand, requires an HKSAR passport as well. After speaking to a someone at the immi. dept., I was told that since I hold a Canadian passport, I cannot get an HKSAR one. Since I do not have a child ID card, I was not even able to make an appointment for the passport. It seems like there must be thousands (if not millions) of people with both passports, and it would be terrible if policies just changed.

    Firstly, I am wondering if it will be recorded that I have a Canadian passport when I apply for my adult ID card. It is the only form of identification I have, so I must use it in the application...Should I consider getting a child ID card a month before my birthday?

    Secondly, will I be able to get an HKSAR passport. Many sources suggest that being HK born and chinese descent, I should be able to. However, is it possible that policy has changed? Will they know when I apply using my new adult ID card? Is there some way to hide the foreign passport? I should put Chinese as my nationality, right?

    I know that getting the HRP will be another big step, but it is very important. A few travel agency services (CTS) told me that, as a HK born person, I should not be able to receive Chinese visas. Oddly, I managed to get a Chinese visa very recently (perhaps because I had a visa from a few years ago in the passport still). But once that passport expires, I am afraid that I will have no way of getting into china without a HRP. Any thoughts on this?

    Lastly, should I inquire at multiple government offices and China travel agencies/embassy using English? (I speak a little Cantonese)

    After doing a lot of research (much of it on these forums), it seems that I should be able to get an HKSAR passport and the HRP--even with my Canadian passport. I am concerned that my lack of a child ID card and fast-changing policy will make these things impossible.

    Thank you hugely in advance, this has been causing me a fair bit of stress thinking about it.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    The policy hasn't changed in the last 10 years at least as far as I am aware.

    You should have no problem getting the HKSAR passport and HRP since you will be regarded as a Chinese citizen of HK from birth. The key document you will need is your HK Birth Certificate, plus details of your father.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Very basic summary:
    Born in HK with chinese father. Never bothered getting a child ID card. Have and use a Canadian passport.
    Immigration department told me that I cannot get an HKSAR passport if I have a foreign passport.
    I will get my adult ID card soon, I will have to show my Canadian passport. Can I get my HKSAR passport and China HRP? Should I hide my foreign passport? What can I do?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tsim Sha Tsui

    The passport is simple as soon as you get your ID card, just go up to one of those machines that look like a postman and enter your ID and debit card details.

    You will need your birth certificate to apply for your HRP.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using GeoClicks mobile app

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Thank you for the rapid replies,

    Since I will definitely have to show my canadian passport to get the ID card, it should not be recorded or known when I get my passport?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    As a HK Chinese by birth there's no problem with you holding another passport - many, many HongKongers do so. You seem to be getting unnecessarily stressed over this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I know it's a huge concern but you should br alright.
    If according to C nat law you are a Chinese national by birth then they will ignore the fact that you have a Canadian.
    As they dont recognize your other nationLity in the first place they dont ask you to give it up.
    Btw, your problem that is not starts with HK ID card application based on you having ROA as a Chinese national.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2010

    ....................self editing