Hi, I was wondering if the Immigration Personnel will contact the employers who provided a reference letter as proof of employment. If so, what kind of questions will they ask my previous employers? Thanks
Hi, I was wondering if the Immigration Personnel will contact the employers who provided a reference letter as proof of employment. If so, what kind of questions will they ask my previous employers? Thanks
Dunno if it's common for them to, but surely they can, right?
Magickhands,... what is your exact concern?
They didn't in my case...
I worked in a company where personal details and contacts are very strict, once I technician left the company and moved to another company, I had to call him for assistance to run the simulators, no one agree to give me his own number to contact and ask for him - even though they knew why I was asking for.
Hi, I just ask because one of my referrels no longer works at that company, so I was also wondering if that is a problem. I had my boss give me the referral because the HR department in that company is terrible and would probably never send me the document. So I'm hoping that the IMMD doesn't have a problem with me using a reference from someone who doesn't work with that company anymore.