HKSAR Passport and PIC Overseas

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    HKSAR Passport and PIC Overseas

    I have a question regarding the application of an HKSAR passport and PIC (HKID) from overseas.

    I was born in HK in 1982 but immigrated to Australia in 1988. I hold an Australian Passport and wish to apply for a HKSAR and PIC (from overseas) for work purposes later on in year.

    Can this be done? I am currently based in the UK and the consulate here had said it can't be done because I am a multi-national? I believe she was mistaken.

    My parents were HK/Chinese citizens at the time of my birth and both have Permanent residence HKIDs.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Yes you should be eligible, as long as you did not declare a change of nationality to the HK Immigration Dept. A Chinese foreign mission should assist you get a HKSAR passport and ID card (if you don't have one).

    However the ID card needs to be replaced on your next visit to HK though.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Just go to the Chinese Embassy

    Bring the original copies of your HK Birth Certificate, your parents HKPIC/Passports, including the old ones.

    The Embassy will provide you with the forms you need.

    Use good photocopiers to copy relevant docs.
    A4 paper size should be used.

    Entire turnaround time should take 6-8 weeks.

    Good luck.

  4. #4

    Not Good

    Well according to the Chinese Embassy, I can't apply for a PIC and HKSAR via the consulate as they consider me to be a multi-national. The lady I spoke to said it was a strict policy.

    Looks like I have to send it direct to the immigration dept in HK.

    A couple of questions regarding the forms. They ask for nationality and address. Do you put in Chinese or (Canadian, Australian, US etc)? I have Australian Citizenship/Passport by the mean of settlement overseas.

    Will they be happy with a overseas address (as it is an overseas application)?

    I will supply photocopies of my HK Birth Certificate, mum and dad's PIC/Passport, my photos and my mum's birth certificate. Anything else I need?



  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Sorry to hear...

    It might more difficult to do if you apply directly. You might be asked appear in HK just to get the PIC and HK Passport.

    To answer your question on the nationality, put CHINESE. That is if you feel that the Chinese Nationality law applies to you, even if you hold other foreign passport/citizenship.

    HK IMMD will process overseas applications, however, you will have to wait 2-3 weeks for every official communication. They use the standard airmail, instead of email or fax.

    Use the best quality photocopiers. Fingerprints should be very clear and distinctive. I had to repeat this process, several times, and it took 2 weeks for an airmail to arrive...just to tell me I had to do the fingerprint again.

    Also, include photocopies of IDs, from school or government with your name and Picture. IMMD prefers old ones. In my case, I sent IDs and old passports at age 10, 15, 18, 20, and 30. IMMD needs proofs that the photo used in your application is indeed who you are.

    Last edited by STB; 10-10-2008 at 11:35 AM.

  6. #6

    STB, sent you a PM.

    Thanks mate.


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    There is no PM from you in my box.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    The best is, to come back to Hong Kong and to apply it here... and then get a family or a friend to get the HKID for you. Once you have your HKID then you can apply for the HKSAR passport...