My first dependant visa DV (1-year) will expire in June, 2015.
I would like to renew it then. And this should not be a problem. Spouse is AAA with relevant support etc. And we were fast-tracked first time round. 2 weeks. Shameful I know given that some wait for months and months. My sympathies. But that's besides the point.
HOWEVER, I will be in the US in the middle of an extended business trip over the summer right when this visa needs to be renewed.
Coming back for a few days just to renew DV would be expensive and time consuming.
My questions:
1. Can I renew remotely? If so, how is this done?
2. If (1) is not possible, and I stay in the States and then come back a few weeks after the original dependant visa has expired and enter on tourist visa, can I then apply for a renewal? Or does the process start all over again?
3. Should (2) be possible, but as there is then a break of status (first DV - tourist visa - renewed DV) will the 7-year PR clock start from the time of the renewed visa or from time of original DV?
There is NO INTENTION for us to split. It's just a professional thing over the summer.
Thank you,