Hi guys,
I am just looking for some advice regarding my visa situation.
I have been in Hong Kong for 6 years now, have a degree from a HK uni so currently on an IANG visa that expires mid August.
Problem is I resigned from my job in March (IANG visa does not get terminated once you resign) in order to run my own business.
When I talked to immigration yesterday they told me I need to be employed in order to extend IANG visa, they also told me it is very unlikely my new business will be enough to get an "investment visa", esp. before August. The only option they could think of is for me to find employment, get the visa extension, and resign right afterwards. However, I have no interest playing this game lying to an employer, get a job, only to resign shortly afterwards.
So can anyone think of a way for me to solve this? Would be a shame to "reset" my count towards permanent residency.
And yes, I know I SHOULD have thought about this before I resigned!
Thanks a lot