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  • 1 Post By Oldtimer

Dependant Visa and Name Change

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Dependant Visa and Name Change

    Hi There

    I've been searching a bit, but was wondering if anybody has gone through this as I can't get any definitive answers.

    In 2 months, my Work visa expires and I need to apply for a new one. That bit is easy and already being sorted out already.

    However 1 month ago my partner and I got married. So we'll be applying for a dependant visa as soon as my extension is approved (no point applying for 1 month worth of validity!). Normally this would be all pretty smooth, BUT, we're not sure how to juggle timing with any name changes.

    Do we change her name now via Deed poll? (we're both Australians), change the passport, and then apply for a Dependant Visa? (Celebrant says this will cause issues with the Dependant visa as Passport surname does not match marriage certificate, immigration lawyer says it will not??)

    Or do we simply wait a couple of months for the dust to settle and we both have visas. And at that point change name by deed poll, then go into embassy, change passport, change visa, change HKID?

    ... All pretty confusing stuff!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    I can't speak to the HK specific process but I had a similar situation in the UK as a US citizen. I was advised that the visa needs to match my travel document name exactly, so I should change my name on my passport first, and then apply for a name change to the visa. In the period that I had my new name on my passport and my old name on my visa, I traveled with a certified copy of my marriage license to explain the discrepancy. To change her name on her Australian passport you need to follow whatever requirements the Australian government has. Most governments recognize the name on your travel document as your legal name, therefore once Australia accepts the name change and prints a passport, HK should accept it as well without deed poll.

    The timing depends on whether your wife has to be your dependent to stay on in HK. I'd say if she needs the dependent visa to remain here with you, then you should get the dependent visa in her current name first, then apply for a new passport with new name, and then apply for a change of name on the dependent visa. If she does NOT require it (e.g. she has her own visa already), then she should apply for the new passport with new name first, and then apply for the dependent visa in the new name.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Is it necessary for the wife to change name ? Most women like to keep their own name.

    HK_Katherine likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Thanks merchantms for the detailed response!

    We'll wait till after as it is the dependant visa we need


  5. #5

    HK Immigration will follow what's in the passport. But they do advise not to change name as it is not necessary here in HK.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    In November my boyfriend and I are getting married, we are both British. I have been working in HK on an employment visa for 7 years at end of Dec 2016. He works in the UK and just spends his time off in HK, but we want to apply for a dependent visa so he can move here. I want to change my surname to his (I want to feel part of family unit, to include any future children we may have. I am one of few women in my industry and have an unusual first name, so I don't feel I will lose any professional identity). I also plan to apply for my permament residence.

    In terms of the order of the above, our thoughts are the following:

    1. Apply for his dependent visa as soon as we are married.
    2. Apply for my permanent residence at start of 2017 (my work visa is valid until end of 2017, so there is no rush)
    3. Then apply for a new passport in my new name and make all the other admin changes needded

    Does this make sense? For us the most time pressing of the above is his depdendent visa so he can move here. Changing my name before applying for PR seems like it could be a hassle as documents such as tenancy agreements etc. will be in my maiden name.

    Last edited by Beanieskis; 03-05-2016 at 03:02 PM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    I certainly have some friends in HK whose name on their passport is different from the name they use socially. I only found out when I needed their passport for some stuff to do with a trip! So you can use your "new" name from when you get married but let the legal processes lag to fit....