Hi There
I've been searching a bit, but was wondering if anybody has gone through this as I can't get any definitive answers.
In 2 months, my Work visa expires and I need to apply for a new one. That bit is easy and already being sorted out already.
However 1 month ago my partner and I got married. So we'll be applying for a dependant visa as soon as my extension is approved (no point applying for 1 month worth of validity!). Normally this would be all pretty smooth, BUT, we're not sure how to juggle timing with any name changes.
Do we change her name now via Deed poll? (we're both Australians), change the passport, and then apply for a Dependant Visa? (Celebrant says this will cause issues with the Dependant visa as Passport surname does not match marriage certificate, immigration lawyer says it will not??)
Or do we simply wait a couple of months for the dust to settle and we both have visas. And at that point change name by deed poll, then go into embassy, change passport, change visa, change HKID?
... All pretty confusing stuff!