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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    Hi All

    Hope someone out there can help me please.

    I would like to find out the possibility of whether I can apply for HKSAR passport for my 17 year old son.

    The situation is.... he would like to represent HK at football. However would he would have to satisfy the 7 year residency rule? ( obviously this would not be an option as we reside in the UK)

    He was born in the UK and holds a UK passport.

    I was born in Hong Kong and also hold a UK passport. I have recently also acquired an HK ROA ID card. My father was born in China and holds a UK passport.

    I understand my son will have to recind his UK passport if he could get a HKSAR passport and also this cannot be done until he is 18.

    Given our family background, could anyone tell me if he has a chance to get a HKSAR passport?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    What did the HK immigration department say when you asked them?

    imparanoic likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Your son was born after 1997 handover, the chances of hkid is very slim, the chances of Hk passport is even slimmer

    The only chance is for you and your family to immigrate back to HK and your son to stay here for 7 years

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Other than the fact that it is not trivial for someone to walk into HK and represent HK at a national level, your scenario is next to impossible for a 17 year old.

    Would it not be more prudent to put the kid through the local football franchises in the UK if he indeed has a talent? The HK scene is extremely well developed and it takes years to achieve elite status, let alone play for the national team - the development process starts of (like any other country) at Jr levels and progresses onto the senior team which represents HK at international levels.

    A very long road - fraught with many hurdles and very very very little financial gain / rewards.

    JaredHK, imparanoic and emx like this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Tze88:
    Hi All

    Hope someone out there can help me please.

    I would like to find out the possibility of whether I can apply for HKSAR passport for my 17 year old son.

    The situation is.... he would like to represent HK at football. However would he would have to satisfy the 7 year residency rule? ( obviously this would not be an option as we reside in the UK)

    He was born in the UK and holds a UK passport.

    I was born in Hong Kong and also hold a UK passport. I have recently also acquired an HK ROA ID card. My father was born in China and holds a UK passport.

    I understand my son will have to recind his UK passport if he could get a HKSAR passport and also this cannot be done until he is 18.

    Given our family background, could anyone tell me if he has a chance to get a HKSAR passport?


    Its highly doubtful but as someone else suggested.. its best you contact the immigration directly and have them confirm.
    I went through the process myself after living in HK for close to 30 years and the entire process took me a year. Either way I wish you the best of luck.
    imparanoic likes this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    @JaredHK - I am also about to start the same process (may be in Jan 2017) to switch to HK passport (tired of all the travel restrictions on an Indian passport). Even after 25+ years in HK, seems very non-trivial right now.

    chuckster007 and JaredHK like this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Having HK RoA is a prerequisite for applying for naturalisation for Chinese nationality, and in turn a prerequisite for the HKSAR passport. This is how the HK ImmD interprets the Chinese nationality law.

    Your son would first need to live in HK for 7 years to gain RoA. After that, it should be easy to apply for Chinese nationality given his ancestry.

    shri and dossier like this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    To the op, are you willing to move to Hong Kong so your son for 7 years so he can obtain Hk Id card

    There are plenty of bbc who offsprings born outside Hk after 1997 who can't get hkid or Hk passport, if you ask the Facebook bbc group or even better Google hairball guide to hkid

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    On the other hand, if your son does good at university, there is a visa for second generation Chinese, the barriers of entry still high, but slightly lower than other methods

    Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents | Immigration Department

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Literally impossible. I have full hkid and even the pink China hrc and at the really cool robot passport booth in Immigration Tower even accepted my docs and got a receipt to collect my passport later! But no... Got a letter later asking for the status of my parents nationality when I was born. If either the father or mother was still a hk citizen and not British when the kid is born then you might have a chance. And if your kid born before 97.

    My mother was still an illegal in UK when I was born but she can't find her docs that prove she was not yet a British national when I was born. So they rejected me.

    The 7 year route only allows you the full hkid and not the sar passport. And even if that route was possible why would your son do it just to play football in hk? Unless he gets another job. If he's hk national standard then he's probably League 2 standard in UK and can earn much more money in the UK. There is no football structure in HK and he will be earning peanuts. He could play in China I guess, more money there. There are African players in the HK national team, I'm not sure how, maybe they were born in hk and have no other nationality.

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