I did help someone apply for a HRP a couple of months ago.
I did help someone apply for a HRP a couple of months ago.
When Mrs Lam (who was Indian) did this just under a year ago it was very quick. The renunciation certificate was received about a week after the appointment to start the process at BLS. The total elapsed time from having the approval in principle from ImmD to having the HK Certificate of naturalisation was less than 3 weeks in total, and could probably have been squeezed a bit tighter (there were some holidays in the way).
With the Certificate of Naturalisation the updated HKID (*** and Chinese name) was done the same day (the temporary paper version), and the HKSAR passport within a week or so, although pickup was delayed because you need the proper new HKID to pick up the passport, and the ID card actually takes a few days longer to produce than the passport!
If you haven't already got a good Chinese name sorted out then do that right away with advice from trusted local friends. You need this when you get the Certificate of Naturalisation and immediately apply for the new ID, which must have a Chinese name if you want to get a HRP as @rani noted.
Last edited by PLamHK; 06-01-2025 at 11:32 PM.