Suppose I accept "Job Offer A", and then initiate the process to transfer the visa from my current employer to Employer A.
If I was to receive a Job Offer B with Employer B, and I accept it and then decline Offer A, what happens from a work visa transfer perspective and timeline? Would I have to wait until the visa is transferred to Employer A, then initiate the visa transfer from Employer A to Employer B? This would push back my start date by a number of weeks
Do I need to tell Employer B that I already have a visa process underway with Employer A?
Currently, I have a verbal offer from Employer A, and the written contract should follow soon.
I've also got a final round interview coming up with Employer B, and even though I already told them I'm at the offer stage for A, they have been very slow throughout the whole process so I don't think I will be able to stall Employer A until B comes out with an offer (if I even get one).
I'll try to stall A as much as possible, but I'm inclined to accept A, but then decline it and accept B (my preferred destination), if I'm successful with B.
Does anyone have experience in the above situation?