I'm a US citizen that happened to be fortunate to find someone I think I wanna spend my life with while living in HK on business. Shes a HK citizen still living in HK and I'm now in the US and we are trying to figure out how we will be together. Best option for her is to come to the US as my job here is pretty good. My question is I guess whats the best option for us if we don't want to rush into marriage right away and even if that is the only way how would we do this being in different locations and all?
I know there is a 90 day holiday visa she can get but how hard are they to get? (She says now shes told she would have to have a job recommendation or 10,000KHD in her bank basically saying she won't run away or something in order to be considered)
IF she did the 90 day is there a way for her to extend it while in the US besides marriage?
IF she we did get married while in the US during the 90 days would she have to return to HK for paper work or can it all be done in the US with that limited time?
Any help on our options, what paper work, or where to do it would be great.