HK resident getting visa to US.

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    HK resident getting visa to US.


    I'm a US citizen that happened to be fortunate to find someone I think I wanna spend my life with while living in HK on business. Shes a HK citizen still living in HK and I'm now in the US and we are trying to figure out how we will be together. Best option for her is to come to the US as my job here is pretty good. My question is I guess whats the best option for us if we don't want to rush into marriage right away and even if that is the only way how would we do this being in different locations and all?

    I know there is a 90 day holiday visa she can get but how hard are they to get? (She says now shes told she would have to have a job recommendation or 10,000KHD in her bank basically saying she won't run away or something in order to be considered)

    IF she did the 90 day is there a way for her to extend it while in the US besides marriage?

    IF she we did get married while in the US during the 90 days would she have to return to HK for paper work or can it all be done in the US with that limited time?

    Any help on our options, what paper work, or where to do it would be great.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sham Tseng

    Depends if she is between the ages of 18 to 30 (marrying age) ... one option is that she try to get a student visa of some sort if she is in the aforesaid age bracket. Also, that would mean that she would have to apply to a local community college or university - get accepted, pay tuition and everything.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Alby:
    Depends if she is between the ages of 18 to 30 (marrying age)
    Eh? What a bizarre statement!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    The simplest option is for you to do a quick civil wedding in Hong Kong. Once you do that I'm sure you'll have no difficulty getting a visa to the US assuming you demonstrably have the means to support her.

    You can separate the legal marriage here and have a big ceremony and party in the US (just omitting the legal bit since you would already be married, although no-one need know that).

  5. #5

    What happens if she just gets her 90 Holiday Visa and comes and we decide to get married in the US while she's here? Would we apply for residency here in the US and she would be allowed to stay until it was complete or would she have to return to Hong Kong to do paperwork or apply for US residency?

    Shes quitting her job and will be unemployed and has little money so will she get rejected for her 90 Day Visa based on any of this? She was told by friends she would need paper work from her Company or Money in the bank stating she's not trying to run away to the US or something.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    I'm not sure about what happens if she is in the US, but from here it seems that what you might want is a finacee visa: Fiancée of an American Citizen - Consulate General of the United States Hong Kong and Macau
    But they take 6 to 9 months to process according to that site.

  7. #7

    To me after reading that it basically has the information and real option just longer wait. I mean she comes for 90 days with her vacation visa possibly get married while here or at least engaged and she would have to apply here in the US as it says but would just have to probably go back to Hong Kong until the paper work was completed. My friend did the same thing from Tokyo but they got married there and came to the US for 3 months went back to Tokyo for 3 months to wait for the Visa to finalize to move back to the US.

    Thanks I think this has been a great help. Just have to hope for the best I guess on her getting her Holiday Visa