So we are eligible for it but can't register on their site? I think we need to send an email to alert them.
Hey guys. I've recently got my non-chinese MTP.
That's awesome, do you need to make an appointment / booking even if you're doing the exam-free route?
I have a HK license, which I converted exam-free in 2023 from my Indian one. Been reading through the thread, looks like I may be able to get a Chinese license as well without the exam now!
Hmm, did the guy just ask you verbally or was it an explicit field in the form? I wonder how they can validate it, since it doesn't seem like the HK license states whether it was converted or obtained via test. Asking since I got mine via conversion...
Hey @viruss, I tried searching a bit but not sure what's the "Shenzhen Bao self service centre". Could you share an address or similar? Am I correct to assume self-service means it is some automated kiosk to handle the whole license conversion? I don't have a Chinese Name though (either MTP or HKID), so might need to make one up it sounds like.
Hi , the self service kiosks do have staff to assist you and apply. Chinese name would be needed for the license. Also remember the medical test and photo can be done on the kiosk it’s all in mandarin if you speak and hear well and if not you can do it in any hospital nearby before visiting this centre.
Address below
I did a license conversion elsewhere in China, almost 20 years ago. Back then, I had to do the written test, and even back then, it was a computer test, 90% pass mark with three-choice multiple choice. Very silly questions, many are so easy it is almost dumb, but then some questions are impossible to know the correct answer unless you have practiced them. Well, you just need 90% and I passed in the first go. I have done a prep recently, which now turned out I did not need it anyway. But the test prep I did was exactly like I remembered it was back then.
I was lucky to have our office girl with me, to assist (translate and sort things out!). I don't even know if I had an appointment, or just showed up, but I remember one of the first things was 'What is your name?' and ... they would not accept my passport, Romanised name. The office girl just made one up on the spot, based on the sound of my real name. This has been my Chinese name ever since, also in Hong Kong. It is even on my HK ID, and my kids Chinese passport (wife is from HK) is with MY Chinese name, not hers. All from a name that was improvised on the spot, on a random day in China long time ago. So much for being a 'legal' name, there was never any ceremony or paperwork about it. Two of the three characters are different in simplified and traditional Chinese, though. That is why I suggest that anyone non-Chinese doing this, find a two-character name, with fewer strokes, and where the simplified and traditional are the same.
I have used the simplified version of my name during all these recent procedures with MTP, mainland drivers license and now the HZMB 'driving North' exercise. I wonder if it would have worked if I had typed in the traditional Chinese version of my name. One of the characters in my name has something like 17 strokes in traditional Chinese!
So, choose wisely. And have someone native Chinese help you check the name you picked sounds like a name, can be understood easily, and doesn't mean something embarrassing.
Last edited by LGB; 17-01-2025 at 08:02 AM. Reason: Typos and added some ...
Curious as to why mentioned 'not a holiday'? The website says sight seeing as a reason.
The Scheme would facilitate Hong Kong residents to drive to Guangdong for business, visiting families or sight-seeing on a short-term basis which could make good use of the HZMB and promoting development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
My wife is HK Chinese, and my father in law lives in China. But I am not a Chinese citizen.
Where did you get the "not intended for holiday" from, any source you can point to that mentions that?
I do have a MTP, both HK and CN drivers license, but my MTP is HAxxxxxxx while my wifes is Hxxxxxxx. They are both Mainland Travel Permits, except mine has added non-Chinese in the title, mine is valid 5 years and my wifes is valid 10 years. Maybe because hers is a reissue, while mine is new.
Step by step process might be clear, as you write, but there are many more details to it which is not mentioned. I have come far in this process now, MTP, CN drivers license, CN phone number in a separate phone, CN bank account, WeChat, WeChat pay and so on. All I need now is to finish the process of the HZMB.
And I cannot check the status. I should be able to.
And if it were true, what you wrote, that it is "not intended for holiday, but it’s for people who have family in China who need a convenient way to travel back to their hometown", then would visiting my wife's father in Mainland apply as a legitimate reason? That still doesn't make me a Chinese citizen. Not all couples are of same race and nationality. It is legal to marry someone from a different country.
But the system is so rigid to deal with, when any change are made (non-Chinese can acquire MTP, but they decide to change the format of the ID number of the new MTP version), then the fancy computer system needs to update its strict checking of things like the format. Hopefully they will realise this mistake, and change the program soon.
The timeframe for HZMB of one month is useful to know, though. I did not see that anywhere yet, until you mentioned it. Can you point to where it can be found, please, as I would like to read more about it?
Last edited by LGB; 17-01-2025 at 09:00 AM. Reason: typo