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China entry stamps

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  1. #1

    China entry stamps

    Hi guys

    Question for those who often frequent the mainland

    I often frequent Shenzhen and I get about 8 stamps on one page (4 entries and exits). I'm sometimes able to get 10 if they overlap the entry stamp (the oval one). I always tell them to get them close together as possible to maintain this.

    What does China Immigration Inspection do when your passport is full? Do they stamp over old stamps or in any small blank space?

    I'm still 1 year away from being eligible for the China permit sooooo please if anyone knows

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Faroe Islands

    You'll need a new passport

    north2, emx, Morrison and 5 others like this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by SteveHRKF:

    What does China Immigration Inspection do when your passport is full? Do they stamp over old stamps or in any small blank space?
    best case, send you back to HK riight away, worse case get you detain for hours then send you back to HK. The latter being the most likely case
    aw451 and newhkpr like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Next time get a 64 page passport

    north2 likes this.

  5. #5

    If you are pr then you can get extra pages to stamp stapled in.

    shri likes this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnygba:
    If you are pr then you can get extra pages to stamp stapled in.
    I was going to suggest this, not sure if many people know about this

    basically they will give you extra pages to add which can only be used for china stamps and it’s for free

    Some of my passports have 5-7 of these pages and each one has 3 pages, double-sided

    But it can take a while, for some reason my last one took 1 hour. They give you a form to fill in then you have to wait, they’re in no hurry at all but it’s worth it
    shri, Morrison and north2 like this.

  7. #7

    I heard this is available at Shenzhen Bay port. And you do need PR for it. A nice little thing to have while getting that permit which is a 2 month ordeal after your 1 month wait for PR

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ben99:
    I was going to suggest this, not sure if many people know about this

    basically they will give you extra pages to add which can only be used for china stamps and it’s for free

    Some of my passports have 5-7 of these pages and each one has 3 pages, double-sided

    But it can take a while, for some reason my last one took 1 hour. They give you a form to fill in then you have to wait, they’re in no hurry at all but it’s worth it
    Can you elaborate a little bit more , please.
    Do they actually attach them to the passport ?

  9. #9

    I feel like it's glued in. How many times can you get these magic pages in one passport? China should just not stamp at all, it's in their system anyway.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Will they still be stamping passports now people can use the automated fingerprint line?

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