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CBC applying for ROA/RTL

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  1. #1

    CBC applying for ROA/RTL

    sorry for posting another thread, but i thought this would be the fastest way!

    anyway, i was born in Canada to both my parents who were born in Hong Kong. At the time of the birth, they were already landed immigrants (canadian citizens). after doing some research, i've discovered that i would lose my chinese nationality as well as my ROA.

    However, after digging out my parents' documents, i've discovered their hk birth certificates, canadian passports, and their British passport (hong kong). Does this mean they were BDTC's and that i am automically granted bdtc status when i was born? Further, would i be able to get my RTL (haven't been back so i lost my ROA) ?

    thanks in advanced for your help!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Tai Hang, Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by nalgene88:
    sorry for posting another thread, but i thought this would be the fastest way!

    anyway, i was born in Canada to both my parents who were born in Hong Kong. At the time of the birth, they were already landed immigrants (canadian citizens). after doing some research, i've discovered that i would lose my chinese nationality as well as my ROA.

    However, after digging out my parents' documents, i've discovered their hk birth certificates, canadian passports, and their British passport (hong kong). Does this mean they were BDTC's and that i am automically granted bdtc status when i was born? Further, would i be able to get my RTL (haven't been back so i lost my ROA) ?

    thanks in advanced for your help!
    Hairball had a pretty good summary on this at:

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Yeah, that guide Hairball wrote was pretty good.

    And in your case, you should have RTL, if you haven't been back to HK every 3 years since 1997.

  4. #4

    Thanks, I read it and its a great guide!
    So it doesn't matter if my parents were candian citizens when I was born? As long as I show them my parents british passport, it should be okay?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Yes, as long as one of them held a British status, and you were born before July 1, 1997. I suppose you're probably older than 11 years old to ask about this

  6. #6

    It may indicate that your parents WERE probably British Dependent territories citizens (Hong Kong), since they held British passport - Hong Kong.

    However, since they probably have NOT registered as British National (Overseas) before the handover (you could not find any BNO passport), they do not hold any form of British nationality since 1997. BDTC-HK status cease to exist on 1st July 1997. Even there were provisions to enable HK-BDTC to register as BNOs before 1997, the registration deadline has passed.

    Since your parents are now not British at all, there is no way for you to acquire any British nationality.

    Since 1st July 1997, any British status do not come with ROA in HK. However, if you hold a BNO passport and ROA in HK, the UK will print the ROA statement on your BNO passport for the sake of travel convenience. Some BNO holders have lost their ROA in HK and their BNO passports do not have the HK-ROA endorsement.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by sam_fan_gbn:
    It may indicate that your parents WERE probably British Dependent territories citizens (Hong Kong), since they held British passport - Hong Kong.

    However, since they probably have NOT registered as British National (Overseas) before the handover (you could not find any BNO passport), they do not hold any form of British nationality since 1997. BDTC-HK status cease to exist on 1st July 1997. Even there were provisions to enable HK-BDTC to register as BNOs before 1997, the registration deadline has passed.

    Since your parents are now not British at all, there is no way for you to acquire any British nationality.

    Since 1st July 1997, any British status do not come with ROA in HK. However, if you hold a BNO passport and ROA in HK, the UK will print the ROA statement on your BNO passport for the sake of travel convenience. Some BNO holders have lost their ROA in HK and their BNO passports do not have the HK-ROA endorsement.
    BNO cannot be inherited and is wholly irrelevant in this case. What matters was that the OP was a BDTC from birth until 30 June 1997 (whether the OP or his parents were aware of this or whether any of them held BDTC passports is also irrelevant). By virtue of being a "former BDTC with ROA in Hong Kong" the OP holds RTL in Hong Kong, or possibly ROA if he has not been away from HK for more than 3 continuous years since the handover.

    The OP was eligible to acquire BNO but did not, so the OP isn't a BNO. While getting BNO (or simply possessing a HKPIC before 1999) would have allowed the OP to keep ROA, it has nothing to do with whether the OP has RTL.

  8. #8

    Thanks for the replies guys, really helps! I think I should be able to apply for RTL since I haven't been back for 36 months after the handover. Anyone know if what the poster said about me not getting my BNO is correct? Thanks. Ill update everyone with my application.
    Posted via Mobile Device

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    If you didn't apply for BNO before 1997 then it is, as someone above said, irrelevant now. It has not been possible to apply since 1997. See the second question in the British Consulate FAQ.

  10. #10

    thanks, i dont think i need BNO neway since i'm Canadian.

    They're asking for my parent's naturalization papers, should i just give them their canadian citizenship certificate?

    it also asked a bunch of questions of if my parents were Canadians during my birth and if they resided outside hong kong. i answered yes to Canadian and yes to living in Canada during my birth.

    I also made a note in the comment that both my parents were born in HK and have BDTC passports, aka giving me british status --> roa in hk. is that correct?

    thanks everyone for their support

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