Obtain Working Visa by...

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Obtain Working Visa by...

    Hi - have searched previous threads and none the wiser so here goes:

    I am in HK on a dependant visa and would like to setup company as I have given up on sponsorship by an employer.

    I believe the only official option for me is to deposit approx $7m, prove I've had it for 2 years, and apply for an Investment visa.

    Question 1.

    I don't have $7m, and for my business, wouldn't need nearly this much. Therefore, I would really like some advice as to whether there is a 3rd option below:

    - Have my partner (who has working visa) setup a HK limited co. with him as sole director.
    - Get my partner to "employ" me and sponsor me for a working visa. This of course assumes that he can persuade immigration that my skills are not available locally.

    Alternatively - I believe that directorship of a co. does not require a working visa, therefore, could I as a joint director effectively sponsor and employ myself?!

    Question 2

    I have heard that there are lawyers/companies out there who, apart from assisting with company setup can also resolve immigration issues such as this. Is this an overly optimistic claim or has anyone been in a similar situation and come through with a result?

    Thanks for reading through - hope someone can help!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    >> I as a joint director effectively sponsor and employ myself?!

    In the past, we've had friends who have gone through this route. The strategy used in this case was to show contracts lined up which show that this is a legitimate business, your presence is required for that business to err .. stay in business and your business is providing local employment.

    Do keep in mind that Immigration does do a fair amount of due dilligence on newly established companies. For example they are going to look at the business plan for a new business, experience of the principals involved.

    If you're planning on setting up a new business and its legitimate, would strongly recommend contacting the folks at investhk.

    As far as lawyers and immigration consultants are concerned, do your due dilligence on them. Lots of crooks out there .. and lots of legitimate companies out there.

  3. #3

    Thanks KnowItAll.

  4. #4

    Has anyone used a reputable immigration consultant?

  5. #5

    Thanks alot **