Visitor visa question

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    hong kong

    Post Visitor visa question

    My brother is planning to visit me for about a month to
    month and a half. He is an Indian passport holder.
    Is it better to enter on a 15 day permit and then apply
    for an extension or straightaway apply for a visitor visa.
    Is it difficult to get an extension of stay? Also, do they
    give you multiple entry permits? If not, how
    can he get that in case we want to travel to China and
    back. I am looking forward to hearing from others'
    experiences. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In the Lair of the Village Idiot's Apprenctice

    yes it would be best to enter on the 2 week permit issued at airport and then approach the immigration dept to see what they can do about extension and multiple entry

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    OR .. you could just email them and ask them what the best procedure is. They're usually helpful and respond in a day or two when your email them.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Hong Kong

    As far as I know it is very difficult to get an extension of stay after coming in on a 15 day permit. It is better to apply for a Visitor Visa ( up to 3 months) with multiple entry straightaway. We've done this with our parents a number of times. Usually if you fill in the Appl Form properly and document the relationship, there's no problem in getting a 2 month/3 month visa with multiple entry. But as Shri suggested, it might be a good idea to email and ask them first.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Back in Toronto now - after 10 1/2 years in HK

    If you have the time, and can demonstrate reasonably decent ability to support the visitors, Immig. most likely will give them the 3 months (at the airport the visitors should be careful and assert they're staying 3 months and not go something like: Airport Immig: "How long you stay (sic) Hong Kong?" Visitor: "Oh I don't know - maybe 2 or 3 months" - this waffling could immediately cost them one month).

    If you seek extension for 15 days landing visa after they get here, under same conditions as above they'll probably get it but it won't be multiple. As soon as they leave HK even once, the extension of stay visa will lapse.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Hong Kong

    Hi bbb!

    So what did you finally end up doing and what was the outcome?
    My folks might also be visiting me soon and I guess my mom would probably be around for 2 months or so!

    Lemme know!



  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Back in Toronto now - after 10 1/2 years in HK

    Don't know what bbb did, but my parents are here. They came on a dual-entry 3 month visa obtained by applying in person to the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi. That's because there wasn't enough time to do it out of Hong Kong. I scanned a number of documents (same as one might need applying from here) and e-mailed them over to a trusted someone who printed and passed them on. It came through in less than a week. The embassy said they only had authority to give 2 entries, not multiple. Had I done it out of HK, it would have been multiple - not that it matters this time.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    hong kong

    Visitor visa

    Thanks to all who responded. I have decided to ask my
    brother to visit me on the 14 day permit. I did follow Shri's
    advice and write to the immigration office. The response was
    prompt but not very clear. So I called them up. This was more useful. The immigration office advised that since we are planning to go to China, therefore the immigration officer most likely will
    give my brother another 14 day extension on our return from China. The officer did say that there is no guarantee that this will happen but if everything seems normal then we can expect this to happen. I am planning to time our visit near the expiry of 14 days but definitely within it.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Hong Kong



    Dont think I have the time to apply out of HK! I guess a 14 days visitor visa initially shall be ok. I guess I'll be able to get an extension from the Immigration Dept. without too much trouble...

