Opportunities for a doctor (dependant visa)

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Opportunities for a doctor (dependant visa)

    Hi there, chaps !

    Been visiting these forums on and off since the past 6 months or so and finally decided to register and ask for help

    I am an Indian citizen, a qualified MD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with a special interest in Infertility and Endoscopic Surgery. I have six years' worth of post MD experience in my field and am currently reading for my MRCOG (UK degree).

    I have been married to my HK gf for nearly a year. I have a dependant visa and I moved to HK earlier this year. She works as a primary school teacher and has been supporting me during this period. I will be going to the UK early next year as part of my training toward the MRCOG.

    Initially, we planned to live in the UK together after I started working there, but this process would involve a lot of adjustment and difficulties for my wife. Hence, we have been exploring the alternative of my returning to HK after I complete my degree in the UK.

    I would appreciate any pointers as to my long-term job prospects in HK after I have completed my MRCOG; specifically, the requirements for working as an overseas doctor in HK and the job-hunt procedure as regular jobsearch websites have precious little information to offer to a person in my unenviable position.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Have you looked at this?


    I think a critical part of the process involves registration / licensing.

    I'd contact these guys to get a start ..

    Registration Office of the Medical Council
    17/F, Wu Chung House
    213 Queen's Road East
    Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: (852) 2961 8648
    Fax: (852) 2891 7946
    Once you've gone through the process, I suspect the deal is to get involved with one of the practices in town.

    Not sure if it helps, but try dropping Dr Ghosh a line. ( http://www.geobaby.com/com/mxdirecto...rabinda-ghosh/) he is one of the better known celebrity OBGYNs in Hong Kong.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Hi again !

    Thank you for your post - appreciate the pointers given. I guess I need to start networking in earnest and explore the openings available to me when I am ready to return from the UK.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hong Kong island

    hello amit
    try also looking at other posts on this board as the subject has been discussed a bit.
    as far as I know there is quite a demand for trainees in obs.gynae in the uk. in hong kong the stumbling block is registration which is no longer automatic since 1997 (not sure where youre primary qualif is from but uk but anywhere outside uk (including uk) are now considered overseas graduates.
    I would suggest from info Ive been given that you find a contact within the university as this would be your way into a training post.