Hey guys,
I'm arriving in HK later this week and will pretty much be on the hot seat to look for a place as first priority. Just wondering if anyone got any tips on how to go about this?
I been browsing on Craigslist, but all the ads seem to be the same on the 'shared' section because every ad seem to have the same phone number and the description are cookie cutter. Anyone have much knowledge about the ads on Craigslist?
AS well, if anyone is reading this and needing a roomie, here are a bit of info about me. I'm 27 years old, male, and from Canada. I will be in HK for 6 months for work (maybe longer), pretty much at work everyday doing the Monday-FRiday 9-6 gig. I'm hoping to get into a living arrangement in which I'm sharing a place with at least 2 or more roomies, I like living with people and this has to do with me coming from a big family. I love playing and watching sports (hockey, baseball, American football) and if it's FRiday/Saturday night, damn rights I would be down on going out for food, drink, the bar/club or just the social gatherings.