Greenery Garden/Pok Fu Lam

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Taikoo Shing

    Greenery Garden/Pok Fu Lam

    Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get from greenery garden on Mt. Davis Rd. to Central (Chater House) roughly speaking? also, if we move to this area, I know there is a park n shop nearby that will deliver, is there anything else? shops? restaurants? how long will it take to get to them? any input is appreciated, we saw a newly renovated unit and are putting an offer in. Just want to have some idea about the lifestyle. We know its fairly quiet...just wondering Thanks!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Nothing around in terms of restaurants / shops. You're better of looking closer to Baguio or Bel Air if you want something where you can walk out and get a bite to eat. You'd have to cab / drive from Greenery to get to Cyberport.

    Also, when we looked at that place about six years ago, the maintenance of the overall building seemed to be on the way down. The estate agent told us that because of the proximity to graveyards, few Chinese owners lived in the place - most of it is rented out to gwailos.

    Not too sure what the transportation (Bus) is like.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    A British coworker of mine just left there. He said the actual flat was nice (great view, clean air, etc.), but had a few rather significant maintenance problems over the course of a year. The somewhat isolated location and inconvenient transportation is the main reason he moved. It was taking him about 45 minutes to get to work some mornings. He stayed in PokFulam, but moved closer to Cyberport.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Green minibus number 54 goes right past you. I'm not sure how long it takes to get to central, but shouldn't be all that long in the morning. Worth a try at least. Lovely walks around the area, and the huge Wellcome at Westwood Plaza (Belchers) is a very short taxi ride away from you - or Mini bus 54 stops there and would take about 8 minutes! There is also quite a bit to do in Kennedy Town (where Westwood plaza is) so it's not that cut off in terms of public transport as it initially seems