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HK$80K budget- recommendations where to live?

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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Glad you are coming for a look - Sue gave you good advice. You really MUST see the place in person. Agents here and websites in particular are rather prone to doctoring photos (kind of things that would be illegal in many places) and what you see on the website is almost always NOT what you get. And areas too have different "feels" about them that can only be experienced in person. Good luck anyway.

    Satay Sue and chingleutsch like this.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Kent, England
    Quote Originally Posted by mango2012:
    Thanks to all! Especially to Mat and dipper for the constructive feedback!
    Well let's see what the contract will say when we sign it, and hope there are no unpleasant surprises, since we have not yet signed the contract, but will be visiting HK on a pre-assignment trip sometime soon.

    Hopefully, we will find a convenient apt which we like. And we are not any CEO nor, high flying investment banker. Just a humble employee of an international bank. Sorry, can't mention which one.
    PLease, please don't sign before you see it. I had a shortlist of what I considered suitable places before I came over - EVERY one looked completely different and we turned them all down..
    dipper likes this.

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Sai Kung

    Makes me sick seeing same old pathetic replies here. Just because some chose to move to HK and be NATs, etc, does not mean that those who earn more should feel ashamed about themselves or their budgets. Grow up!! If you have nothing useful to add to the question...just shut the f*** up and leave the thread alone. The bitterness and just plain attacks on newbies on Geo has really gotten out of control in the past few years. It used to be a rather welcoming place 6-7 years feels like a closed in circle of insecure & bitter expats ready to jump on anyone like a pack of wild Sai Kung dogs.

    FACT: Some people studied things in Uni other than basket-weaving, history, etc....and earn more than others....

    FACT: Not everyone knows (or cares) about the "average salary" of Hong Kong or what part of NT they can afford on 10k / per month

    FACT: Not everyone is familiar with HK real estate / rental prices or neighborhoods and genuinely want to get opinions about where to move prior to arriving here.

    Mat, HowardCoombs, Skyhook and 2 others like this.

  4. #34

    Thanks all! By contract I meant, contract of accepting the job in HK. It's an offer on the table, not the contract with the real estate agent. Sorry that I was not clear.

    And as for the sarcasm, no worries. I have many european friends who enjoy sarcastic comments, so got used to it by now.

    Thanks so much for all the insights, excited to visit and see it for ourselves. I have been warned that the apartments are tiny and very expensive. Well, c'est la vie!

    Thanks MovingIn and Satay!

    dipper and z754103 like this.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sai Kung / Clearwater Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by Satay Sue:
    I didn't see OP compaining about a "dilemma", merely asking about places to live on a large budget. She was immediately subjected to unnecessary sarcasm by a couple of posters who really should know better. As to "wondering how to find" - weren't you ever new to Hong Kong
    well frankly I Wondered if the op was just bragging about how loaded they were?

    and is out of touch with reality?

    or was another of these "troll" like 1st posts that seem to pop up so much more frequently these days
    ( since a few of the regulars disappeared?! what with the over zealous post deletion and editing by the masked moderators.. )

    humble? *cough* ahem! - what ever!

    at least she will be able to afford to go to these lunch do's of yours eh?

    oh and when I came here - the internet had only just been "invented"
    bookblogger likes this.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Kent, England
    Quote Originally Posted by audiot:

    at least she will be able to afford to go to these lunch do's of yours eh?

    oh and when I came here - the internet had only just been "invented"
    No need to get personal - "My lunch do's" as you call them vary from $60 -$100. Very occasionally they are more, like today as it was a member's birthday. Lunch club has been going for years, long before my arrival, and over half those who attend are male. Irrelevant and again unnecessary. Actually quite rude.
    Also irrelevant, the comment about the internet. I didn't have the internet when I moved to Tokyo at only 3 weeks notice but we are not talking about that - OP has chosen to ask Geoexpat some advice as it IS available.

    Now please just back off.
    Last edited by Satay Sue; 13-03-2012 at 02:40 PM. Reason: Getting pissed off

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by climber07:
    Makes me sick seeing same old pathetic replies here. Just because some chose to move to HK and be NATs, etc, does not mean that those who earn more should feel ashamed about themselves or their budgets. Grow up!! If you have nothing useful to add to the question...just shut the f*** up and leave the thread alone. The bitterness and just plain attacks on newbies on Geo has really gotten out of control in the past few years.
    I think this may just be the way you're reading it... I enjoy reading all the sarcastic and funny replies, it's why I come here

    A forum of dry questions and answers (which are of course very repetitive, since no newbies ever look at the numerous old threads which answer their exact questions) would be very dull.
    audiot likes this.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bookblogger:
    I think this may just be the way you're reading it... I enjoy reading all the sarcastic and funny replies, it's why I come here
    So do I but when they appear over and over and almost in every single newbie thread, it gets to be a bit boring. Too much of a good thing et-al...

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardCoombs:
    So do I but when they appear over and over and almost in every single newbie thread, it gets to be a bit boring. Too much of a good thing et-al...
    Yep that's pretty much where I am too.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Satay Sue:
    No need to get personal - "My lunch do's" as you call them vary from $60 -$100. Very occasionally they are more, like today as it was a member's birthday. Lunch club has been going for years, long before my arrival, and over half those who attend are male. Irrelevant and again unnecessary. Actually quite rude.
    Also irrelevant, the comment about the internet. I didn't have the internet when I moved to Tokyo at only 3 weeks notice but we are not talking about that - OP has chosen to ask Geoexpat some advice as it IS available.

    Now please just back off.
    Nah you managed to make SS pissed off, that's not easy Audiot...