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Lamma Island or Discovery Bay

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Causeway Bay

    Lamma Island or Discovery Bay


    I'm new to the forum. My wife was just offered a position in Hong Kong starting in August, and we are just starting to try to anticipate what we will need. Two places were recommended to us to live, Lamma Island and Discovery Bay. (We are both from the US). We will be coming to HK with a 6 y/o and a dog.

    From what i've read on the internet, Lamma island sounds very nice, rents don't seem too high, and the area seems much more to my liking than the bustle of the city. I worry though, that since it's small, finding a good apartment will be difficult.

    This may be silly, but i also wonder what kind of internet connection i could get on Lamma Island, or if we will spend a ton of money on AC, at least at first (we're in Portland, OR now, and used to the cold).

    My wife's job and my son's school will be on Hong Kong Island, off highway 1 and Stubbs Road (Bradbury school), and other than the ferry, i'm at a loss at how long of a commute that would be for them.

    Another reason i'm leaning away from Discovery Bay is that i'm not so sure about wanting to live in a giant highrise. They seem very impersonal. Are people friendly and is there a good sense of community in those things?

    And lastly, i will be going on a dependent visa, but would like to be able to find work to do. I am currently a pension consultant, but i don't think that will translate well to Hong Kong, since most of it is dealing with the US tax code. Is there someplace in particular i can go to find jobs available to english speakers?

    If anyone can help with any of these questions i would appreciate it. Thanks in advance. =)


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hong Kong

    Lemma island is quite far. If u are worried about community, I do think that HK is a undesirable place. People tend to know each other in other ways and surprisingly find out they r neighbors instead of getting to know ppl nearby and then propose a gathering

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    oh my.... you could not choose two more different island locations.

    do NOT rent anything before you see it. when you get here, then make a trip to each place and decide what is best for your situation.

    what one person loves about one place could be the very thing that another hates about it. what we think of the two places will have absolutely no bearing on what YOU will think of them.

    ps> discovery bay is far from all highrises! you REALLY need to see both islands....

    chingleutsch and Fiona in HKG like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    pps> you WILL spend money on AC... this place is HOT as heck during the summer months (may-october)

    also, if you wife is working at bradbury, then she may be able to get a school bus from DB directly to the school!

    let me say it again... you REALLY must see both locations before you make any decision.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Tuen Mun

    Agree 1000% about not deciding on an area before you arrive. Have you, for instance, considered that there are village houses and lots of greenery in places on HK island itself, such as Shek O and Stanley?

    As a dependent, the world is really your oyster. It might be the time to try something you have always wanted to do but has seemed too risky in the past - learn you way around and then start doing guided walking tours, tutoring your favorite subject(s), becoming involved in social justice/ advocacy work, starting your own business. I won't say that HK is the place where dreams will come true, but it is still one of the best places in the world to make them come true if you're prepared to work hard!

    bryant.english likes this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Causeway Bay

    Thanks for the advice so far. I've been scanning the internet constantly for 2-3 days now, and am overwhelmed by all the information on just the few parts of HK i've heard about so far. We've added Park Island to our list of possible places.

    We've got several months before we leave, but it's going to be such a big change i just want to get as much info as possible before we leave. I'd been thinking we'd stay in a hotel for a week or so, but maybe i should be planning on someplace for more like a month while we look around...

    I haven't looked on HK island much yet, i think i just assumed it would be too expensive. I'll add Shek O and Stanley to my research though, thank you for the advice. =)

    Last edited by dougmal; 25-03-2012 at 01:20 PM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    What is your budget and how much space do u require? Since u have a dog, it would be best to consider lamma, discovery bay and park island. They may not be the most convenient should u desire a city life but it is best for the dogs. Stanley will be great if your budget allows it. Do note that most housing estates in hk do not have a explicit dog policy but reserve the right to evict u should neighbours complain about the dog. In some estates, they have explicitly disallowed dogs. This is for your consideration. Hk is not 100% dog friendly. And pets are not allowed in most parks. I have a dog myself so I know what u probably will go through.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Causeway Bay

    It's still preliminary, but we are assuming a housing budget of 15k-20k right now. Less would be nice, but i'm not sure how reasonable that is. Still unsure what kind of expenses to expect. It might go up as we start to get a clearer idea of our actual budget. As for how much space we need, it's hard to say since everything will be less than half our current home size. I'm thinking a 3 bdroom. We only really need 2, but i'm thinking an extra room might be good in such a small space.

    Last edited by dougmal; 25-03-2012 at 01:47 PM.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dougmal:
    It's still preliminary, but we are assuming a housing budget of 15k-20k right now. Less would be nice, but i'm not sure how reasonable that is. Still unsure what kind of expenses to expect. It might go up as we start to get a clearer idea of our actual budget. As for how much space we need, it's hard to say since everything will be less than half our current home size. I'm thinking a 3 bdroom. We only really need 2, but i'm thinking an extra room might be good in such a small space.
    In that case, shek o and Stanley can be crossed out. To get a decent sized 2 bedder in those places will exceed your budget. Remember space and a easy work commute come at a premium in hk. This is not a cheap city after all. If u are looking to maintain your current western type of lifestyle, expect to spend around hkd 10-15k per person. If one is willing to adapt to local living standards, hkd 5k per person should suffice. Whatever is said, nothing beats coming down here and making your own judgement. Cheers

  10. #10

    Check out mui wo on Lantau island. As accessible as lamma, nice beach, restaurant and my friends who live there love it! You could also get a car if you lived there as you can drive to Kowloon, hong kong island. I know a family that rent a 3 story village house for 25k there. And yes agree with carang you absolutely need air con no matter where you chose to live!
    You can also get a good flat in Db within your budget but no garden though (most likely).

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