advice needed: oven

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    advice needed: oven

    hi, all

    how easy is it to rent an apartment with an oven in the kitchen? I don't want anything fancy, just love making cookies and pizza. We need your input on this so that we can decide if we should bring some baking ware. My budget is $30k for a place east of North Point.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fo Tan

    From what we saw, it isn't very easy to find an oven. Chinese is not a baking culture (but they do have bakeries every 50 feet, so you have to wonder).
    Ditto for a dishwasher, BTW.
    Speaking of pizza, our pizza stone/cookie sheets (yes, we have an oven and a dishwasher) barely fitsthe oven so you might not want to bring over a ton of baking things.