Just to add--it is impossible (and I have learned, a vital part of Chinese culture, with all due respect) to speak to the head of any of these organizations, due to the hierarchial structure they purposely institute. So, complaints whether oral, written, or even recorded (in my case video/audiotaping the construction) have had no effect--though I agree-keep vigilant records in the off-chance you can use them. Finally, when I realized my litigation skills got me nowhere--we resorted to contacting my fiance's HR dept. to see what they could do (just this week). As one of the previous posts stated--the agent will misstate the truth--we were told at first we could break our lease after 14 months and now we are told leases cannot be broken unless we move back to the US or he leaves his company. They also tell us they cannot possibly give advance notice b/c they are now selling off each individual apt. And, they have tried to tell me this is the same for all apts. in HK--though I have friends living in 7 different apt. buildings in the mid-levels and nobody has had such terrible conditions for so long. Where do you live, "ontheroad"?
My neighbors and I have realized the only way to potentially affect the LL--even during our most optimistically naive moments (incidentally the 3 chairman together constitute the 25th richest people in the world) is through exposing them and the real estate agents and management,etc. by working through the employers who relocated us and through public forums so that future expat arrivals will not rent from them and have to endure the same misery and blatant lies. As one person below said, they wouldn't even clean the windows--my neighbors complained that dust fell from their ceiling into their apt. I told management that lead paint chips/dust is poison for children--they told me they dont use lead--but after 8 months of lying to us I dont believe them. We, thankfully, dont have children yet (b/c i simply cannot imagine how they would ever nap!), but as someone who has a sleep problems & works from home I specifically asked ahead of time if the people upstairs would have children--knowing the running around would bother me and my agent from Sallmanns told me "No". Well, they do--and run around like crazy b/c they are 5 --and the ceilings are made of aluminum foil. (of course, now my upstairs neighbors and I are great friends who commiserate!) Whether my real estate agent was lied to or lied to me, I will not know--but what I have come to realize is that everyone "passes the buck" and this LL is all about greed. I hope you won't have the same experience, "mum2to"--HK is really a great place in many respects. It's just that your home should be your sanctuary and there is no right to quiet enjoyment in HK law as there is in the US and i imagine other countries--so, you should do whatever you can to speak with people in the buildings you are considering before signing anything. And, lastly--do your best to stay far far away from the organizations I have listed.