Actually I tend to agree with Alby a little on her point partly, whether its was her interpretation or not..
Transaction history can tell you what kind of yield or profit (property flipping ) performance the property you are looking at purchasing has achieved over a given time frame, paying close attention to the swings, between owner to owner.
Some apartments have moderate to small amounts of swing between buyer to buyer, some have mega amounts of swing. Transaction history will show you all the ups and downs of the past, which, with some degree of certainty, providing the property remains popular with buyers, will continue to achieve similar up and down activity, providing the property market functions cyclically.
Our property has a swing of 3 million HKD at the moment we are sitting just below 50% of that peak swing potential.
Last edited by Skyhook; 10-05-2008 at 02:26 AM.
This is the strangest thing I ever heard.
Who cares if the property price went up and down in the past? The important thing is what it will do in the future.
In any case, I would rather buy a property with little up and down swing, in case I have to sell in the middle of a down swing because that's when I leave Hong Kong.