Looking for an apartment - getting started

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  1. #1

    Looking for an apartment - getting started


    I will be moving from London to Hong Kong around mid-July... and would love some advice for how to go about looking for a place to live. (Apologies if this topic has been covered a million times before, i couldn't find any threads!)

    I am looking for a place in Kowloon - Yau Mei Tei, Jordan, Mong Kok, TST - for max 15k/m. Which websites/agents would you suggest I try? I want to avoid the expat ones because as far as I can tell they are more expensive - also, I'm not too fussed if the place has a new kitchen etc. My most important feature in an appartment is space!!! And a balcony would be nice.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008

    In that location space is expensive. roughly speaking 15k will get you 500 - 800 sq ft. In general the larger apartments will be older buildings with old fixtures and fittings.

    to get an idea try property listings here or centamap.com or gohome.com.hk

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Whampoa/Hong Hum is hardly what the original poster asked for, especially in consideration of space:money. :/ (I lived in a recently rennovated apartment of ~600 sqf for 7K/m in Mong Kok. Older building, but the pipes were good and people lovely.) Agree with leghk that gohome/centamap are good places to start.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    i will recommand you a Jordan Area in Yuamatei District near to Ferry Street beautifull buildings,larger size and reasonable rent and located in heart of hong kong if you need more details you can contact me

    Quote Originally Posted by LondonHongKong:

    I will be moving from London to Hong Kong around mid-July... and would love some advice for how to go about looking for a place to live. (Apologies if this topic has been covered a million times before, i couldn't find any threads!)

    I am looking for a place in Kowloon - Yau Mei Tei, Jordan, Mong Kok, TST - for max 15k/m. Which websites/agents would you suggest I try? I want to avoid the expat ones because as far as I can tell they are more expensive - also, I'm not too fussed if the place has a new kitchen etc. My most important feature in an appartment is space!!! And a balcony would be nice.

    Thanks in advance,
