Serviced Apartment in Sheung Wan, Central, Soho

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Hong Kong

    Serviced Apartment in Sheung Wan, Central, Soho

    Any serviced apartments from 12k - 15k in Sheung Wan, Central or Soho? Appreciate help, thanks!

  2. #2

    Post a number

    For that budget, you should try


    The Bauhinia

    Kush Living
    KUSH Living

    Ice House


    Mingle Place - The Eden

    I would go for Ice House or Atria.

    here's a list, but the prices are dated: HK property and apartment for rent and sale- Island Property Consultancy Ltd

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    you might also try some thing like Bridal Tea house which is located in various places in town

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Hong Kong

    Thanks! Seems like rental in Hong Kong has went up quite abit.

    Checked with some serviced apartments:

    Atria > 10 - 12k depending on lease term but tiny rooms like 250 sqf.

    The Bauhinia > 19k and above for 555 sqf

    Kush > nothing less than 25k

    Ice House > 20k and above

    If I work in Central, is living anywhere away from Sheung Wan or Soho not advisable?

    Is serviced apartments necessary for Hong Kong?

  5. #5

    the idea of distance changes in HK.

    anything that takes more than 15 minutes feels far to locals.

    that said, everything is so well organized and punctual that people can finetune arriving to their intended destination within 2-3 min of getting there. you don't have to arrive 30 min in advance, or plan like crazy to get there on time.

    SW from Central takes about 20 minutes. what might matter to you is the walking, and you will have to do a fair amount of that anywhere you go if you plan to take public transportation - going down to subway stations, long walkways to the ferries in Wanchai, Central, etc. but everyone walks.

    it's not necessary to live in a serviced apartment, but it solves the problem of getting your own furniture, hiring a cleaning lady, buying things that you may not to own at this point. and if you read articles, an increasing number of foreigners look at serviced apartments as a long term setup. that said, yes, rent is going up fast. it has gone up 10-20% since January, and doesn't seem to be slowing down.

    most people get a serviced apt first month to focus on getting acclimatized. you'll read lots of that in other threads.

    Last edited by aquarella; 07-06-2008 at 12:53 AM. Reason: added more info :)