Apartment Search Suggestion

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Apartment Search Suggestion

    Hi All,

    I'm looking for small apartment/studio, furnished ( incl. small kitchen to cook)
    My budget is only maximum 5000HKD inclusive.

    I live alone, and preferably have at least 200sqft. because below that, i think it's very uncomfortable...
    I work on around TST and CWB.

    I need suggestion, where i should find this apartment, which district i should start to search ?

    And do you think 5000 is enough to get what i want ? or do you think i should raise my budget...

    Please suggest...

    Many thanks,

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008

    I already check at kowloon bay agencies ( covering Telford garden, and Amoy gardens ) , and they said, my budget can't match.

    Already Check also on Mongkok... have very cheap, but empty, and very old/bad apartment.

    Also check on TST, have a very small room... around 4000hkd.

    Need suggestion where i should search...
    i was thinking about Sheung Wan, North Point for my next search.. what do you think ?

  3. #3

    Have you checked the Kowloon Tong or North Point area? There may be a few flats willing to rent out a room for your price range...