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How safe are teenie weenie walk up buildings in North Point, Tin Hau, Causeway Bay?

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  1. #1

    How safe are teenie weenie walk up buildings in North Point, Tin Hau, Causeway Bay?

    Hi Guys,

    On the lookout for a place to move as my dear flatmate will be leaving me on my tod, my landlord is increasing our current rent by 30+% and I'm failing to find another flatmate to share the cost I've had a browse at some flats within my budget range which are walk up buildings in North Point, Tin Hau, Causeway Bay. So the question is, how safe are these flats for a single female to live in? Any feedback on this would be super duper appreciated. Thanks

    Much Love,

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Hong Kong side

    Perfectly safe and almost certainly safer than anywhere else you have lived . I would put my elderly mum in one if she could manage the stair . Just change the locks and get a grill door if there's not one already . If your the nervous type you could always set up a camera at your door view to the corridor . Great lifestyle in causeway bay in the old walk ups actually from memory

    clueless_ likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Safe enough these walk ups
    Be wary though some of the older buildings do contain one woman brothels.

    clueless_ likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo:
    Be wary though some of the older buildings do contain one woman brothels.
    Nothing wrong with one woman brothels.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by HK8:
    Nothing wrong with one woman brothels.
    Didn't say there was
    Just saying that there will be dodgy guys hanging around which might make the OP uncomfortable that's all.
    imparanoic likes this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo:
    Just saying that there will be dodgy guys hanging around which might make the OP uncomfortable that's all.
    There's nothing dodgy about them at all. They go in to do their business and then leave. No-one is loitering around or making the place unsafe.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by hongkong7:
    Great lifestyle in causeway bay in the old walk ups actually from memory
    Do you know how much one of these studio apartments would cost to buy? I'd like to buy one of these old walk up apartments for investment and rent it fully furnished through
    hongkong7 likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Hong Kong side
    Quote Originally Posted by HK8:
    Do you know how much one of these studio apartments would cost to buy? I'd like to buy one of these old walk up apartments for investment and rent it fully furnished through
    I missed out on a great walk up with a roof in wanchai market about 2years ago . The price was on a par with regular flats . I was gutted great high ceilings big windows etc . The thing to realise is it will cost a packet to fix because of the premium brining all materials up stairs : also all plumbing wiring all from scratch : anyway the price seemed reasonable to me at the time but I was slow getting the money : you need cash payment essentially the banks won't mortgage
    HK8 likes this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    The problem with older building is that many lack a owners committee to organise regular maintenance. It might be basic things that are not done - such as daily rubbish collection, or cleaning and painting of common areas like the stairwells, replacement of light bulbs, as well as the building's electrics and water pipes. Having lived in older buildings, I also know from experience that damp, mould growing on walls and various types of vermin are more common. You can keep the area within your walls very clean, but you are still affected by what happens outside those walls.

    I also know that many people have a different experience when living in older walk-ups. But, important that the OP knows both sides.

    clueless_ likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    I lived on my own in a walk up in central. Perfectly safe. Hk is a very safe place! Change the locks (but you'd do that anyway) and try not to worry.

    clueless_ likes this.

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