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Getting kicked out because I

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  1. #111

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDocHK:
    My line of defence will be that I put the flat on Airbnb to check if I could rent it out, and if I indeed have had a rental proposal, I would of course have asked permission to the landlord in order not to break the tenancy agreement.
    My line of defense would be: that I put the flat on Airbnb to check if I could rent it out because I plan to buy a place in that building. And if I indeed have had a rental proposal I would have turned it down because I was in HK all the time anyway and the place wasn't vacant.

  2. #112

    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Did you get your deposit back?

  3. #113

    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Of course not.

    On the day of the judgment, the judge did not understand why the landlord filed a complaint, because the rent has been paid and the lease was ended. He said it was not his jurisdiction. Moreover, the landlord should have filed a specific document with the proof that I sublet the apartment, which he did not do.

    The landlord's employee told me he'd give back my deposit within 2 days, which of course didn't do, it's been 8 days and he refuses to give me a return date of the money. Yep, I've been crooked.

    I'm going to Small Claims tomorrow to file a complain, even if I know that the chances that I'll see my money back are close to 0.

    Do you guys know how long it takes to get a hearing?

    Ehiogu and MandM! like this.

  4. #114

    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    It won't take very long - not in the small claims court.

    I doubt very much your landlord will fail to pay if you win a judgment at the small claims court.

    Keep us updated!

  5. #115

    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Hong Kong

    That's exactly what we told him but he didn't listen. He wanted to do it the "civil way" because he was afraid the landlord was going to change the locks.

    The ONLY way the tenant would get his deposit back is IF the landlord changed the locks, but tenant was afraid of that option.

    So the civil way is to forfeit the deposit and learn a lesson, even though we told the OP about this. And earlier he mentioned that the landlord rents to many foreigners and doesn't want the bad PR, well go have a look, I'm sure another sucker is in there living and any bad PR is ignored because the target group of people don't even listen to the advice on the internet anyway. They only look at the price! as you did in this case.

  6. #116

    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    @TheDocHK - update please?

    MandM! likes this.

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