Would need some advice on how to handle the following situation around my residential lease (other than that this landlord and his representative are more trouble than it’s worth and we have anyhow dedcided to move out as soon as practically possible).
Landlord is in mainland, never spoke to him or even know how to contact him at all. All matters around the lease are discussed with the landlord’s representative who has been acting unreasonably for a while and is not answering any of the questions that have now arisen.
Break clause for our current lease contract can be earliest served mid September with one month notice or payment in lieu of notice which I think is pretty standard.
Last week I received, without any further comments, a ‘lease surrender agreement’ from the landlord by means of which I was supposed to give up the lease effective mid of September.
I wrote to the landlord’s representative that there is no way I would be signing this agreement and asked her whether this is to be interpreted (I was told by our legal/HR that the letter might be deemed as a termination notice, which however would be void in my opinion as served too early) that he wants to terminate the lease by mid September and pay me the compensation, or (as he may have misinterpreted the break clause) wants to terminate by mid October or what is the intention.
Landlord’s rep did not answer any of the questions and basically told me as I don’t pay her, she would not do any work for me and that the agreement came from the landlord.
So if anybody has any ‘cultural’ advice what I could do to get anything else than a non-reaction from the landlord’s representative, that would be appreciated, all I have written back is to provide me with an address to contact the landlord directly, as I will serve the break notice myself mid next month.
In case she does not answer, how could I serve the termination notice? I do not have any written power of attorney for the landlord’s rep so sending it to her might be uncertain even though she has handled all matters for the past 9 years we have been living in this apartment.
Any other advice would be appreciated, I am at my wits end how to deal with all this b/s.