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Landlord/Agent threw away my belongings and changed the door lock

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  1. #81

    I was paid 6k in compensation and to dismiss the whole case by the police. Which isnt anywhere near enough to everything ive lost from inside my room. But it would be a long running case and an absolute waste of time and labour since ive already had to miss a couple of days of work. And while being broke i cannot afford to take more days off and fight a case that can be long running in court.
    Still have the fighting spirit and to turn things around for the better. And not look back at this incident anymore.
    I once again thank you everyone for ur time and being kind to me. And most importantly giving me hope in these moments of crisis.

  2. #82

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    It’s not that you are broke, you said you invested into something back home, so it’s probably a misallocation of funds

    Highly suggest you the following book

    Scarcity: The True Cost of Not Having Enough

    It also talks about the true cost of not having had enough when you grew up…..

    jimbo_jones likes this.

  3. #83

    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Although you are at fault for not paying the rent, you still have legal rights and shouldn’t be bullied around by the LL.. Obviously the LL has rights and they should seek possession through legitimate means.

    If you stood your ground, you might have got more, even without resorting to Court. You should have at least tried to recover your costs as a minimum, missing items, plus commission to agent for next place, moving costs, inconvenience factor etc

    The LL is not stupid and does not want to go to Court. They already realized their actions were wrong and could possibly face legal action, hence their offer for compensation to you.

    The Law offers protection to Tenants. Knowing your rights and where you stand as a Tenant gives you the upper hand.

  4. #84

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    The opportunity cost might not be worth it.

    ByeByeEngland and Morrison like this.

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