Suggestions on Places to Live

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Suggestions on Places to Live

    Hi all. First post for me

    I have a question about renting a place. I have lived in HK for a year or two in the past, but for short-term work and as a student. I am coming back in August and am on the hunt for a flat to share with my partner (and a friend who will store stuff and visit every few months).

    * budget 10-14k
    * 2 or more bedrooms (preferably not tiny boxes, so my friend can store his stuff)
    * within sensible travelling distance of both Central (my work) and Kowloon Tong (CityU, for my partner)
    * 600 sq ft min (aiming towards 800)
    * not an island (I am likely to have to work late and the schedule is too inconvenient)

    I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for less mainstream places to rent a place that would let me save money or get more for the money by travelling a little further. I was thinking of places like Diamond Hill / Choi Hung or maybe Tseung Kwan O.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Hung Hom would be my initial suggestion, but Tsing Yi (easy to get to Central or switch to the Tsuen Wan line to bring you to Kowloon Tong; convenient buses) could also work if you'd not mind going west rather than east. You could also always look into 3BR village houses if you'd not mind being further out -- those are typically 700sqft and their bedrooms tend to be larger than those in the towered buildings. I'm not as familiar with the eastern NT, but my impression was that the traffic was worse there.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    You might get lucky in Broadcast drive Kowloon Tong, a low rise of between 600 to 800FT, whether or not it has 3 bedrooms, might be a bit of a stretch but worth investigation.

    Sai Kung is another location that is relatively simple to get to Kowloon Tong via the 1A mini bus to Choi Hung MTR, then on to Kowloon Tong MTR.. Quick enough, and 3 bedroom houses with terrace are in large supply there, with nice tree lined, mountain, sea views... A very active expat community in Sai Kung which will feel very comfy and the feeling of crowds just won't enter your mind there.
    Explore Sai Kung

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Skyhook neglects to say that Sai Kung is sooooo far away from Central.

    I kid, I kid. I love the area, but I don't know how you can stand the commute!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    68 De Voux West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


    I live in Sheung Wan and am returning back to India in September. 15 mins walk from central, Bus/Tram stops riht in front of the place. Mine is a 800 sq foot place, but one bed room, a big enough terrace, kitchen and some area behind the kitchen. Spacious enough, Ideal if you have pets.

    The room costs 9.5 K, and was unfurnished when i moved in. The furniture in the room is old, a double bed, a TV stand, a shelf, book shelf, table and a really old TV. Kitchen with Washing machine, Fridge. If you are staying long, then you may refurnish to your liking.

    My number is 66239507.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hong Kong.
    Quote Originally Posted by NickCC:
    * not an island (I am likely to have to work late and the schedule is too inconvenient)
    Does that exclude Hong Kong island?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Thanks for the responses.

    I had considered Hung Hom and had a friend look at some rooms there for me. I rather got the impression that:
    1) the square footage and efficiency rates were... um.. optimistic
    2) it had quite a few of the disadvantages of the most highly built up areas, but the prices of more central areas...
    I will probably be taking a look at flats there when I get back but I am inclined to think that if I live out a little then going further out might be better.

    Tsing Yi is an interesting suggestion I hadn't really considered because of perceived inconvenient of getting to Kowloon Tong. I do like the area, so I will review this and double check journey times.

    I hadn't considered Kowloon Tong because I had the impression it was expensive. It would be a pretty convenient area to live in I guess so I will take a look at it too.

    I'm afraid I don't think I could accept Sai Kung...

    Quote Originally Posted by beachball:
    Does that exclude Hong Kong island?
    errr... ok... that Island is acceptable

    Does anyone have views on Choi Hong / Diamond Hill/ Kowloon Bay areas? I have passed through and there seems like some scope for something reasonable.