Looking for a share flat in Kowloon for beginning of January 2010

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  1. #1

    Post Looking for a share flat in Kowloon for beginning of January 2010

    Hello! I would really like some help looking for a room or flat to share since I'm going to start a career in HK on january. Something not expensive around 2,000 with wireless in the Kowloon area and if possible close to the MTR. Hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    Any luck so far with your search? I am planning to reach hk in Feb btw. How do you plan to live in the first few days?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    TST and Macau
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniela.:
    Hello! I would really like some help looking for a room or flat to share since I'm going to start a career in HK on january. Something not expensive around 2,000 with wireless in the Kowloon area and if possible close to the MTR. Hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance
    If you mean 2000 HK$, that budget is good for a bed in a dormitory.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    have a look on Gumtree HK as they advertise this kind of things