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Park Island (Ma Wan)

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  1. #51

    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    wow ok. you are always right. yes yes yes you are the best! thanks so much for your input. invaluable. I can see you have a lot to do . do you work for geoexpat or are you just a regular troll?
    I brought facts to the OP, all you come with is you nonsense pre-made opinion about the place.
    Fact is, the OP was asking questions about PI, he didn't ask whether howardcoombs liked PI or not. anyways, it will be my last post here so i let your geeky @ss get the last word as I bet you can't help it. It's like an OCD to you. must be refreshing the forum every 3 seconds for the past 6 years or something. #uselesscomments

  2. #52

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by njaeger:
    wow ok. you are always right. yes yes yes you are the best! thanks so much for your input. invaluable. I can see you have a lot to do
    You're most welcome. I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for representing PI in such a glorious light. Will you be repeating yourself often?
    anyways, it will be my last post here
    That would be so disappointing. Who is going to defend PI from so many negative comments?

  3. #53

    HC you're barking up wrong tree, njaeger isn't randy, not everyone that says they like living in pi is secretly on a mission to promote the place for financial reasons, there are people that are just trying to be helpful, so no need to be so catty.

    Op - if you search for 'Ma Wan network' on Facebook you'll find a large group (800+) of locals and foreigners there, probably best to direct your questions there as they'll have first hand experience and opinions from living there (both positive and negative).


    Last edited by SiuMaiTaiTai; 07-07-2013 at 05:46 PM. Reason: added link to the group I mentioned
    njaeger likes this.

  4. #54

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuMaiTaiTai:
    HC you're barking up wrong tree, njaeger isn't randy
    My apologies if I've mixed up the 2 of them. The irrational talk along with the words PI/MaWan got my antennae up. Also, thank you for not insulting me with the thought that I dont know what I'm talking about. PI has grown big enough over the years that I have more than a handful of friends living there, some loving it and some not.
    A wonderful idea.
    SiuMaiTaiTai likes this.

  5. #55

    Fair enough, randy was extremely irritating so I understand your angst
    I actually agree with you that pi is more like a sanitised resort but I like that. I love having really nice clubhouses and well maintained gardens whilst still relatively being able to get about using PT, I'm sure there are other places that offer same traits but not many at a similar cost to rent or buy.
    People like different things, and that's good, variety is good!

    mrdollars likes this.

  6. #56


    I'm planning to move in HK for work & will be bringing my family early next year. I've been to Ma Wan Park Island before and looks very nice & the access to Central is good (my work will be there). Therefore I was thinking to move my family there. However, my 2 boys (ages 9 & 12) doesn't speak Chinese and I'm looking for a nearby school on that area (not International School) for them.I might also consider for them to learn Mandarin/Cantonese. Any suggestions?

  7. #57

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Tuen Mun

    There's a Delia school in Tsing Yi, and I think the new CAIS campus around Lai King (? not sure of the exact location) is due to open for the next school year.
    The Education Board also provides a list of local English Medium of Instruction schools (most of which are high schools).

    Not sure it would be practical for children the age of yours to catch up with spoken Chinese, let alone written (brute rote memorisation of literally thousands of characters), enough to get along at school.

  8. #58

    Thanks Chingleutsch for the advice. I will try to at those schools. Putting them to a school to learn Mandarin was my last option, although it might have an advantage for them. Hard to find those English-medium schools, and if I can't find any, I won't bring them to HK. They can just visit me there.

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