Hi there, I know that this topic has been discussed extensively on this forum but I'm finding that there is so much info directed at so many different living arrangements that I'm a little confused as to what would be the ideal living arrangement for my particular need.

I'm looking for anyone who might be able to give me some direction to help narrow my search as to which area of Hong Kong would suite the housing needs of my family.

Can anyone recommend a good area that would be close to a very good Canadian Int'l School (the 2 that I have researched are in Taikoo Shing and Aberdeen). We would ideally like a place that is 1,200 square feet or larger with 3 or more bedrooms and is in a community with a large amount of younger expat westerners. Our monthly housing budget would be around $14,000 - $15,000. Is this possible? If so, where?

Also, if a commute was necessary, what would be a good area that fits our above needs that was within reasonable commuting distance?